Bamboos, Sticks and Stones

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I found myself in a whirlpool, descending to the depths of hell slowly. Sometimes I wish it would just suck me right down but no. Life got even more complicated.

Real life is real life but once you logged online, it was a whole other planet. My social medias were bombarded with "you're a cheater" spam and bashing blogs/accounts attacking me.

Do you ever hate being labelled as something you aren't?

"But if you aren't a cheater and you know it then why get worked up over it?"

"Because no one will talk to me. Everyone thinks I'm some sort of monster."

"You're not a monster. You're not a cheater. And I love you" Katherine explained.

Katherine had known me for years, she knew me like the back of her hand; even though sometimes we weren't friends at all. She still somehow knew who I was.

Katherine took offense to everything being said about me online. It annoyed everyone in the group. They defended me as much as they could until Katherine brought up something she remembered from years ago.

"Remember when Penelope told people a boy took advantage of her? Then she said he didn't, that she was a virgin after all. Her story doesn't add up. She posted about it then posted about how what she said was false. How is something like that okay?"

I knew about this. Penelope told me about it one night when we were gazing up at her ceiling at the glow in the dark stars.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"Lily. They were close, well... They weren't that close, considering she was being fake to her and told me everything Penelope said. Lily told me Penelope lied about the whole thing."

"That's terrible" Juli said.

When Katherine pressed 'post' and sent her tweet out about Penelope faking everything, I felt like a person without a heart. I trusted Penelope with my own life, would she lie about such a thing? But there was Lilly, who had screenshots of Penelope admitting to her 'wrongs.'

The war started.

I imagined Katherine on her high horse, a shiny crown awarded on her head. Penelope and everyone who spread rumours about me cheating on her, down on the ground in pain.

It wasn't the way I imagined. People took Penelope's words over Katherine's.


That wasn't the only battle we had to deal with.

Katherine had many friends outside of our group. They were mostly seniors that she met while volunteering at our old high school. I guess the generations before us just kept getting worse with trust.

I guess she trusted them with things, especially Ashley.

Ashley sort of acted like she was the shit. You know those movies where the girl acts like she's everything but in reality she just has a low self esteem? That was Ashley.

(Aubrey often warned me about her. So did Penelope)

Not only did Ashley match those movie girls through self esteem issues but her boyfriend was a constant cheater. You couldn't really blame the guy, she put out but never gave anything up. Maybe he just wasn't the one but whatever it was, Ashley had no room to judge relationships.

Katherine opened up to her about James' ex girlfriend and what did Ashley do? She became friends with her, quite close friends too. That was a whole other drama, Katherine handled it well with "you're a pathetic, sad, sad, sad, sad bitch."

That was before Ashley started even more unwanted drama. She placed attention on James by telling her boyfriend, Chad, that James didn't like him. I don't know why this was an issue but it was. Katherine told me how the conversation went between Chad and James.

"So you don't like me?"

"Not really dude."


"Because you're a cheater."

Nothing was solved in that whole debate. It was pointless and a waste of time.

I thought Chad got the hint why many people didn't like him. I also don't know why it bothered him so much if James didn't like him.

The conversation between Katherine and Ashley went like:

"What was the point of that?"

"Chad is my boyfriend, he deserves to know."

"Okay... and? Not everyone is going to like him. People have reasons."

Ashley and Chad were weird. I didn't really like Chad either. I'm glad Ashley didn't know though, I was content dealing with drama that didn't really involve me right now.


But it's not like other drama didn't get me. Penelope blamed all the rumours on Katherine and I. Actually the whole group. We were called disgusting human beings for what we did, that we made up shit. I often wondered why Lilly wasn't apart of any of this. I guess it was because she wasn't really around. Lilly still continued to be fake friends with Penelope though, no one said a word. Surprisingly, not even Katherine.

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