Spring Break Day 2

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The girls wanted to go shopping, the problem was they wanted to do it super early. They wanted the whole day to be devoted to finding clothes. And as their trustworthy male best friends, we were obligated to help.

We were woken up to loud knocking sounds. I swear at any moment the manager would show up and kick us out. Lucky for the girls, everyone in that hotel was out having fun in the early morning.

I heard Stefan groan and put the pillow over his head.

"Make it stop" He yelled.

"WAKE UP" I heard Princess Katherine demand.

"WAKE UP LUCA OR WE ARE OVER" Juli screamed.

Luca woke up in his sleep, he walked over to the door with his eyes closed. Just as he opened the door, the girls stormed in. Each of them trying to wake us up one at a time. It took ten minutes for us to kick back into reality. Last night we played quiet beer pong together, we were drunk but stayed silent for the sake we didn't want to get kicked out.

I got changed super fast and dragged out of the room by Molly.

"Your shirt is backwards" She said laughing.

"I don't care" I said back.

I really didn't care until sleep left my system when we were walking to the mall. I took my shirt off, adjusting it to the right side. Molly laughed at me.

We got to the mall, where Stefan demanded for us to separate.

"Wait, why are you so keen on us separating?" Juli asked Stefan.

"Uhh... uh because I want you couples to have a good time" He smiled realizing he gave the perfect answer. I think he thought we were stupid but we knew he wanted to separate to go meet up with his girl. We ignored it, spring break was about fun.

Molly grabbed my arm and charged for a store. I lifted my other arm up trying to grab James.

"Don't let me go James."

We reanimated the Titanic movie, then laughed as we really did separate.

My head was spinning as I stood by Molly's side. She went from one rack of clothes to another pretty fast so I was blessed she wasn't slow. The fun part about all of this was that she sneaked me into the changing rooms with her. The downside was that the changing rooms were so small that they lacked hooks to hang clothes. She would throw her clothes on me as if I was a coat hanger.

"How does this look on me?" She asked.

"I don't know. I can't see" I said laughing under the pile of clothes.

She pulled her shirt from the top of my head and asked again.

"Give me the truth."

"I don't know. I don't really like it."

"Yeah, me either."

"Okay. Can we make out now?"

We certainly did and for a long time. I think us being in a change room made making out even more sexy. I tried to take her clothes off, I almost had everything off of her until the lady outside asked how Molly was doing with everything.

Molly laughed as she put all her clothes back on.

In one store, the manager heard me in the girls change room with Molly. She demanded I get out but Molly made up an excuse.

"He's my gay best friend" She pleaded.

When we got out of that store, I pestered her for calling me her gay best friend. She made it up to me by sharing her Starbucks coffee with me.

In another store, I heard moaning from one change room.

"Why can't we be like them?" I asked Molly.

But then we saw Katherine come out of the change room, stumbling and walking uneasy.

"Just kidding" I said stated.

Molly and I ran out of the store quickly as possible, laughing our heads off.

I think the girls were secretly texting each other, how else would it explain them meeting up on "accident"?

"Okay so we're gonna go shop together. You guys are useless with opinions and basically distract us" Juli stated strongly.

James mimicked Juli talking, making the girls even more angry with us. We walked away and into a huge target store.

"You guys wanna play hide and seek?"

I guess that's all we did until the girls found me hiding in the women's bra section in a box.

"What the fuck" Katherine said with her eyebrow arched.



Just then Luca appeared.

"Ha. Found you."

"Thanks Katherine."


We spent the next hour in Target, crying to the girls to hurry up because we were hungry. It took James threatening to leave Katherine, to get us into a restaurant.

We ate at a restaurant by the beach. When we asked the girls if they did anything fun, they talked about the clothes they found and how cute they are. We sighed and then told them all the childish things we did.

"I'm dating a child" Juli said.

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