Cleaning Up the Leaves

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I knew I had created a mess but half of the pile of leaves I made, were taken. Emma and Penelope were out of my lives for good. Was I happy about it? No. Was I sad about it? No. I knew I couldn't be either and instead accepted the situations. Things with Tia got better, we fought a couple times over things but all in all, I was happy we built good communication.

We were waiting for Stefan at the airport. Not exactly in the airport but we got in the back of his truck and we put a blanket over ourselves. We could hear Stefan blasting his Mexican music through his earphones. We surprised him.

Having Stefan back made things better. We didn't fight so much, or so I thought we wouldn't?

One night Juli called us all over except Luca. She had a pregnancy stick in her hand when she opened the door. We stared at her, not exactly sure what to say.

It was when she burst out sobbing that Katherine lounged herself out to hold her.

Julianna was pregnant.

We drove her down to a local clinic for women, we stayed in that waiting for hours waiting for Juli to come back.

"I'm going to be an uncle" Stefan said proudly.

"Yeah but are you really her brother?" Katherine asked while laughing.

We called Luca over without permission from Juli. We figured he had to know, despite how mad she would be at us. When Luca finally got here, he was sweating uncontrollably. His hands were shaking as he stood before us.


"WE DON'T KNOW" Stefan yelled back.

We all turned and looked at Stefan.

"Was the yelling needed hun?" Katherine asked.

Luca buried himself in a chair with his hands on his face. And Juli walked in the waiting room with tears streaming down her faces.

"I'm fucking pregnant. I'm pregnant Luca. What the fuck do I tell my family? I look like a hoe. I'm a fucking hoe. I can't believe you can't fucking keep a condom on your dick."

They fought in the waiting room and he drove her to her house. None of us knew what happened after that, Luca only told us he dropped her off.


Katherine and James were off and on for awhile for different reasons. One night Katherine was unbelievably drunk and she was lucky I was there and sober. She was throwing pillows at me, telling me I resembled her pillows. She was completely out of it.

"Why doesn't heeeee want me?"

"He does. Go to sleep."

"It'ssssss not fair."

"I know babe but can you just shut up for a bit?"

"I need to tell you somethingggssss"

"Okay, what is it?"


"I look like a pillow?"


"Great story."

"Can I tell you whatttttt it is nowwwww?"

"I thought that was it?"

"NOOOOOOO" She said. I was laying on her bed and she set her head on my stomach.

"Juli isn't pregnant, she's pretending to see what Luca will dooooo"

"What? Katherine, this is a joke right? You're too drunk, you don't know what you're saying."

"HEY! I'M PRETTY SOBER" She yelled.

I put my hand over her mouth and she began to whine about James some more. I held her all night while she cried and passed out. I was afraid at any given moment she would throw up on me.

When she woke up the next day, she looked at me funny.

"Thanks for being there for me" She was drooling.

"You're drooling" I said while looking at her disgusted.

She laughed.

"Anyways, Juli is pretending she's pregnant and she only told you?"

"Who told you that?"

"Your drunk self last night" I stated.

"Fuck. I wasn't supposed to say anything. Please don't say anything."

"Chill... I won't but Luca is going to be so mad when he finds out it's all fake for Juli's sick entertainment."

And I was right. Luca booked an ultrasound appointment without telling any of us or Juli. He just drove there as a "surprise." Juli hesitated in the car, according to Luca. She blurted out her whole plan to him and he was so furious that he kicked her out of the car. He told her she could walk home.

They made up pretty fast though, as usual.


I didn't talk to Molly for a whole week. I bumped into her at the grocery store, she was stacking up on Ritz Crackers. I laughed as I passed her.

"You don't really stop being cute, do you?"



"I hung out with Stefan the other day and he told me about you." My heart dropped. I didn't like the idea of my best friend and my ex talking. She didn't bother to talk to me for a whole week but hit up Stefan? I told her that.

"He's my friend too."

"Yeah, whatever..." I walked down the isle away from her.

She moved towards me, leaving her cart abandoned.

"Look, if it makes you that mad I won't talk to him anymore."

"No, I don't even care."

I got out of there as fast as possible not even buying whatever I had in my cart.


But she showed up at my door later that day. It was a Sunday and she knew my parents were out at church. I let her inside and we went up to my room. We sat on my bed talking but I got so frustrated with her that I got up a lot. She would follow and get up too.

She was being so stubborn, refusing to see my point. My eyes got teary and I didn't want to cry in front of her so I pointed to the door and told her to leave. I guess she noticed and refused to leave. She wanted to work things out.

I wasn't upset because Molly and I were fighting. I was upset because I was having a tough month with everyone, I needed a break. Everyone hated me and I was sick of it. I told Molly that.

She didn't think twice to come up to me and hug me. I tried to pull away because I really didn't want pity. I was just feeling empty and lonely and I was saying things I knew seemed like I wanted sympathy. I really felt lifeless.

Molly pulled me into her closer. It felt good because it kept my heart inside of my chest instead of pouring out onto the floor.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"For what?"

"Everything. I'm sorry I tried to get them to hate you. I'm sorry I was mad about you and Stefan talking. I just miss the attention. I miss being cared for."

She let go finally and I sat at the edge of my bed. She sat beside me and leaned into me. She was kissing my cheek and then my lips.

"You know I still love you more than anything."

That was enough to make me feel better. But I knew I couldn't take what she said so seriously. She didn't want anything serious with me. It just felt good to be loved.

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