Scratched by Twigs

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Since the day before spring break was horrible and so were the days after, it seemed valuable of me to cluster everything together.

Molly got up earlier than us, she told the girls she was finally seeing John and she let me know briefly she was leaving. She said he was showing her around the city, something I wanted to do with her. I was upset she had put him over me and it wasn't like he knew the city anyways, he was a tourist just like us. I tried to tell myself to not be jealous, be the bigger person and let her have fun. I did.

When we all ate breakfast downstairs together, James approached me. He sat down beside me munching on his pancakes loudly. I was afraid a piece would hit me, hence why I stretched back a lot.

"You let her go out with him?"

"Yeah. I trust her" I stated.

"You know her and Katherine were like really into him, right? I would kill Katherine if she went. She didn't even ask me if she could go with Molly to see him. She knew I'd say no."

I sighed. I saw his point but I remained in my position of trust. While everyone else left to go shopping by the beach, I told them I would wait for Molly. I really wanted to be alone with her, take her to the places I knew John wouldn't.

When she walked in, I saw John by her side. They hugged for awhile and they said their goodbyes. She was so caught up in hugging him, she didn't notice me at the table eyeing her.

"How was it?"

I startled her.

"Where the hell did you come from?"

"I was at the table."

We walked to the elevator and got in. It was just me and her. We could do some of the most crazy things right now, I thought.

"So... James... like... told me it wasn't a good idea for you to go out with John but I was like... yeah? I trust my girl" I smiled and felt like I achieved some kind of trophy for being so trustworthy.

"I see his point."

I didn't like her answer. I was expecting a "you're amazing" or a "aww baby."

"What do you mean?"

We approached the level we were supposed to stop at and got out.

"Maybe he's right I'm saying."

"Okay..." I said.

"You can see other people too. You should."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Well... I don't want to stop you from meeting anyone."

"The only person I'd like to meet is you."

"That doesn't make sense."

"It does to me."

I slammed the door behind us as we entered her room.

"Can you not? We're going to get kicked out."

"You want us to see other people?"

"Yes. Well, you."

"You want me to see other people and you?"

"Not me."

I turned my back away from her. I couldn't stand to talk to her right now.

"We can't have sex a week ago and have you say you don't want this anymore."

She stayed quiet.

"We're drifting."

Drifting... Drifting was a funny word to me, especially in this situation. My mind took a time machine back to a few night ago on this trip, where Molly hugged me goodbye and said she wanted to sleep next to me. She said she couldn't wait to get home so we could do that. I brought that up.

"Is it because of John?" Why else would she suddenly want to end this all with me, I thought. It had to do with John. Everything was perfect before John. John is perfect, I thought again.


I walked out, bumping into Katherine. I put my head down and she took my arm and walked me around the corner.

"What happened?"

"Molly is ending us completely. Officially."


"It has to be because of John. Why else would this be so sudden, Katherine?"

"I don't know. Wanna walk a bit with me?"

I agreed and we did. I thought a walk would clear up my mind, I was hoping to God it would. When I got back Molly left the hotel to go shopping alone, Juli was on her bed.

"Jordan, sit down."

I did as I was told. I was waiting for the girls to back up Molly. I wanted to leave and be with the guys. Stefan was good at comforting me.

"Molly told me about John."

My eyes focused on Juli. I couldn't quite see far away but I think the bad news made my eye sight good. It was strange.


Katherine sat down. It was new news for her too. She was patting my back like I was her little nephew.

"She told me she felt connections with him. Moments to kiss him."

My heart dropped. I got up walking back and forth of the hotel room.

"What do I do? Please, tell me this isn't okay. Because if this is okay then why do I feel this way."


I felt content with how everyone was ignoring Molly on the airplane ride. I liked that I didn't have to feel like I was wrong for once or like I would lose my friends to my ex. Unfortunately, I had to sit beside Molly the whole ride. I tried my hardest to ignore her, we argued for a bit too. She couldn't see the wrong in her actions and I didn't want to hear her side at all. It was simple, she liked John and I was just another boy to her. Maybe she didn't even love me.

"Why is everyone ignoring me? I asked Luca something and he suddenly pretended like he was sleeping."

"Jet lag maybe."

But the jig was up when I told her everyone was doing it for me. I guess this upset her.

"Those are my friends too."

"They were my friends first."

I didn't talk to Molly for a week after our airplane ride. Neither did anyone else.


In other news, I found out Emma and Preston were close. It made my ears bleed when Jared told me. I was even more angry when I found out her and Aubrey and Penelope were close too. So much for best friends, I thought. So much for making up, I added.

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