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I knew how Katherine and Jared were already friends. She ended up joining us for the baseball game. She showed up at my house decked out in baseball wear.

"You know you didn't have to dress up like that?"

"It's a baseball game, don't be silly."

"That's a total chick thing to do" I said as Stefan pulled up.

Katherine ran outside as I locked the front door with my key.


Stefan and I face palmed ourselves.

"You mean the New York Yankees" Stefan corrected her.

"That's what I said" She said while pushing me in the back so she could be in the passenger seat. I let her.

Jared, Luca, and Chad jumped in the back.

"Where's Juli?" Katherine yelled so Luca could hear her.

"She's out with her other friends for the day. I thought I'd join you guys."

"I GUESS I'M THE ONLY GIRL" she yelled while turning up the music.

When we got to the baseball game, I sat between Katherine and Jared. I noticed Stefan talking to Chad, I was happy they were finally getting along. Katherine and Luca chatted about Juli; now that, that I wasn't surprised. Luca loved to talk about Juli.

I turned to Jared.

"You and Emma make up yet?"

"Yeah, she told me you guys made up too, is it true?"

"Yeah, it took awhile but it was settled."

We talked a lot during the baseball game. He told me how he and Emma met and how great he finds her. I told him a couple misfit stories, about how Emma and I did a lot of scandalous things together like stealing milk from Walmart.

The Yankees won, ending the day with happiness. Katherine had a ketchup stain from her hot dog on her shirt and Luca's face was stained with ketchup. No one told him, we liked how stupid he looked. It added on the happiness of our day.


I went by Molly's house later that day. She was packing to leave for spring break, we were all going to Panama together. I helped put things into her suitcase and told her about how Emma and I made up.

Then we went to my house, where she basically decided what was "cute" for me to wear in Panama.

"My fashion taste isn't that bad" I snarled at her.

"I'm just helping, baby."

My packing was interrupted with constant kisses from her. We ended up putting it was off when we started fooling around some more. We laid in bed holding hands as my phone was playing music.

"I like moments like these" I said.

"Me too."


We met up at Luca's house, our suitcases piled up like a pyramid.

"Okay, someone here has more than one suitcase" He stated.

"It's Juli" Stefan snitched.

"What? I can't have more than one suitcase? Do you want me to look ugly for you, Luca? Is that it?" Juli questioned.

"No.. no.. baby you can have more than one, I'm sorry."

I heard James making whipping sounds. We all thought the same.

"Yeah, make the noise. I'm faithful to my woman."

We called for three cabs to drive us to the airport. Luca, Juli and Stefan in one car then Katherine and James, the third was for Molly and I.

The car drive was fairly short, I liked the music the cab driver was playing and Molly and I were keeping each other occupied by playing multiplayer games on our phones.

It was the airplane ride that took forever. Molly and I got bored fast beside each other. The movies offered were movies we'd seen a thousand times and the games were too old. Pac man was fun at first but then after awhile it got annoying not being able to beat the final level.

We often all changed seats. I ended up beside Juli who actually found comfort in the movies offered.

"What're you watching?" I asked

But no response. She was too invested in it.

I liked sitting beside Katherine but then she started telling me to switch with James so he could come back because I was boring her.

I walked back to my seat next to Molly.

"Switch seats with Katherine" She demanded.

"Why?" I asked.

But she wouldn't tell me. I did as I was told.

I saw them talking for a brief moment but I waited for Katherine to get back, I wanted to know.

"Walk like you need to go to the bathroom."

I walked to the bathroom and Katherine followed. It felt like we were about to have an affair.

"It's about John."


"He's on the plane."

"Okay? And?"

"And... They're planning on hanging out."

"Okay? I'm not bothered by it. Why can't she tell me herself?"

"She thinks you will get upset over it."

I walked back to my seat feeling dizzy. I sat beside her and I was quiet. I waited for her to tell me about John but she didn't. I acted normal throughout our flight and on our way to the hotel. I was being extra nice to her, carrying her luggage up to the girl's room. I was expecting her to tell me at any point now.

"Is there anything you need to tell me?" I asked her as I set her suitcase by the hotel room door.

"Oh yeah, goodnight. I love you" She kissed me and I said it back.


She didn't bring it up that night and she didn't for the next few days in Panama. Maybe she wasn't going to meet up with him?

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