Chapter Three

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A/N: above is Cara Delevingne as Marie xP

Andrew awoke early the next morning to an empty room. James had left in a hurry the night before just as he was falling asleep, mumbling about having to see Marie about something important. He had probably just wanted to apologize for being such a grump the day before, but Andrew was quite sure he didn't return any time during the night. 

Andrew's thoughts shifted briefly to Marie as he gazed for a moment at the rosier than usual morning sky. She was really fun and bubbly; not at all like James. Although he had barely spent much time with her, she seemed like a really friendly and genuinely nice person; he would be happy to get to know her.

He took his time getting ready as his thoughts were consumed with excitement, but mostly anxiety, for his first proper day at his new school. He pulled on his short-sleeved, white uniform shirt which was a soft, jersey fabric. It had a sailor collar with a silver zip-up front, the circular zip having the school motto engraved around its donut shape.

He tucked it into a pair of navy pants and pulled on his navy blazer with forest green piping, those were the university colours. The blazer cuff had another longer one attached within it of the same white, jersey fabric of his shirt, giving the appearance of being a long-sleeved one with the cuff peeking out from under the blazer.

The left side of the blazer held the embroidered emblem of the college logo of a deer, standing proudly at the rocks of a large waterfall on the mountain range. The tips of its antlers were embroidered in silver thread to show that it was no ordinary deer but one gifted with fae magic.

Andrew lounged a bit at his window sill as he noticed something, but as he pulled out his class schedule he checked the time and gasped when he realized he'd be late on his first day. He rushed out the door and down the long corridor toward the main staircase at the entrance of the school. The lecture halls were on the upper floors and he cursed himself for not visiting them sooner but his new friends had described how to find them quite vividly the day before.

Andrew stumbled a bit when he got to the bottom of the steps. In the broad daylight he now noticed the rich carpet that laid upon the dark wooden steps was made of the finest red velvet. It looked soft enough to bury his whole foot in and Andrew felt rather self-conscious in his dirty old sneakers which looked horribly out of place pounding up the lavish stairway. 

The tops of all the walls were carved wood with clear glass filling the gaps and there was an abundance of glass windows, carved into intricate designs, like the ones on stained-glass windows except that they were clear. The morning light sparkled as it shone through, creating tiny rainbows on the dark wooden bannisters which were definitely thick enough to slide down comfortably on.

The thought was intriguing to say the least but Andrew was sure none of the students would dare step out of line at a school as distinguished as this.

His class was thankfully only one floor above for he was still in the high school section and he knocked hesitantly before stepping into the classroom which he hoped was world history.

'...and you'll be getting your test results back today,' a jovial young teacher was saying as he scratched his chalk against the blackboard.

'Aha! Our new student has arrived! Andrew, is it?' the teacher turned to beam at Andrew with smiling eyes. "Mr. Clarkson", it said on big, rounded letters on the top left corner of the board,

'Yes Sir, sorry I'm late,' Andrew mumbled, dipping his head.

'Don't worry at all! It takes some time getting used to not getting lost in this place! In fact, one of you other students should have helped poor Andrew get here,' he said with a little grin, peering over his glasses at the rest of the class.

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