Chapter Six

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A/N: ^that's Evan :)

Andrew stared in horror at the velvet notice board in the cafeteria. A large poster of the upcoming midterm inter-house sports tournament was pinned proudly upon it. His gaze zeroed in on the words "Participation of ALL Students is Mandatory," and his heart went as cold as the scrambled eggs on his tray.

Evan skipped up gaily behind him and flung an arm across his shoulders. 'Excited for the meet?' 

Excited was one word for it.

'I'm not much good at sports,' Andrew answered, thinking to himself that this must be the understatement of the century.

'That's alright, it's just for fun,' Evan grinned, 'I'm still quite subpar at them; even being the house captain.'

'What are the houses?'

'Oh! I'll speak to the games captain and get you put in one, sorry about that,' Evan smacked his forehead for his forgetfulness. Being the student rep meant that he was in charge of all the new students' transition to the college.

'Anyway, it's named after mythical creatures. The green house is Dragons, yellow is Cheetahs, blue is Krakens, and purple is Unicorns; that's my house,' he stated proudly.

'I'm a chee-tahh,' Marie sang, suddenly appearing beside them, 'You should join my house!'

Andrew turned to see her with her arms linked with that of a shorter person, they sported a natural forest green bob that matched the piping on their uniform and a garnet nose ring sparkled against their dark skin. 

'I'm Ciara, Marie's friend,' they introduced themself, 'We haven't had a chance to meet yet, but I've heard a lot about you.'

Andrew slightly flushed when Marie didn't deny it. 'Which house are you in?' he asked instead.

'Kraken.' Ciara grinned, showing a row of dainty teeth that looked too small for their wide mouth. 'We're the reigning champions.'

'Krakens suck!' Marie said quickly, 'Cheetahs would've won if I were allowed to participate in all the gender and age groups.'

'But that's chee-ting,' Evan pointed out, grinning like that was a pun he used too often.

'Oh, pipe down!' She flung out her arms to either side to revel in the glory of her own awesomeness. 'I'm just the bestest at sports!'

'If only you could run in my place,' Andrew joked.

Marie seemed to think this over with some seriousness, stroking her chin impishly with her thumb and forefinger. 'You can cut your hair shorter like mine, and run with your eyes closed to hide the fact that they aren't blue.'

'What? Wait, wouldn't you have to look like me, and not the other way around?' Andrew asked, feeling like it was a dumb question anyway because they looked nothing alike, down to their very bone structure and coloration.

'Oh, right,' Marie said rather disappointedly, as if she'd actually for a moment believed that it would work, 'Never mind then.'

Evan glanced out the window at the distant suns that nearly eclipsed. 'I'm gonna go drag Jesse out of bed. He was still sleeping when I left and classes are starting soon.'

He waved goodbye and the others quickly finished up their breakfast before the bell rang.



A plop of green paint landed on Andrew's nose, dripping from the brush he was amateurishly waving above his head. He pulled away from the large canvas where he was unsuccessfully trying to paint a scenic view of the forest foliage at the base of the mountainside. He looked more like a foliage himself, with paint splattered more on his own body than the designated canvas area. He was glad to be mostly protected by the large apron he wore; all the students had one on with various levels of staining.

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