Chapter Thirty-One

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Present day

Marie climbed on the banister and hugged it with her limbs wrapped around tightly and her face pressed on the wood. She was feeling rather glum that day as she slowly slid down backwards.

She'd been down in the dumps ever since the day before when she had fallen from the tree. There was an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach which she was attempting to ignore and there was a certain redhead on her mind who seemed to be trying to avoid her again.

As she slid, a single foot made its way into her line of vision. It was on the step just below her and wearing a red sneaker with white polka dots on it. The laces looked rather loosely tied and were dangling off to the side, catching Marie's attention.

She was itching to pull them; the need was so great. They were practically beckoning to her, teasing her and tempting her. The white lace tantalizing and enticing the part of her brain that begged her to pull, even while she was in the pits of despair.

Marie sadly reached out and pulled it as she continued sliding down the banister.

'What are you doing?'

The voice was horribly familiar and Marie realized where she had seen this pair of sneakers before. She tilted her head to the side to glance up at Georgie who was looking at her in befuddlement and slight annoyance.

'So, you and Jesse are a thing now, huh?' she asked instead, ignoring the redheads question.

'Yes,' Georgie replied shortly, 'I like him.'

'Whatever,' Marie grumbled, 'I don't think he suits you.'

'And you do?' Georgie quirked an eyebrow at the blue-eyed girl.

'Certainly more than he does,' she grumbled in a bad temper.

'You're acting really immature, Marie. Don't try to deny that you were spying on me that day on the tree; I really don't find it amusing.'

'I'm older than Jesse.'

'It's not about your age.' Georgie sighed. 'Do you really think that we have anything in common?'

'I suppose you're right,' Marie shot back, hopping down from the banister, 'You're rather old and boring, whereas I am young and fun.'

'Jesse's quite serious like me, you know,' Georgie explained with a light, somewhat awkward, laugh, 'He's an old soul.'

Marie tried not to roll her eyes at that, the irony of it wasn't lost on her. She hopped down the last few steps, still feeling a bit bothered by the annoying little voice in her head.

'I suppose you found me quite amusing for a while, didn't you?' the vampyre muttered, unable to hold back the ire in her voice.

'Don't be like that, that's not fair. You couldn't be there for me when I needed you and you-

Georgie paused and took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice steady, 'You're not serious about anything or anyone. Even you're friendships are only fickle and temporary.'

'I know, I know,' Marie grumbled, 'I'm just a free-spirit; it's not a bad thing.' Marie felt at times that no one ever understood her. Even James thought she made friends too easily and lost them too fast. What other choice did she have when they all just DIE? At least she didn't close herself off to the world like how her brother did.

'Sorry, I guess,' Marie added after it became apparent that the other girl was done talking, 'Jesse is an incredibly nice person who'll actually always be there for you.'

'Hey, you're a nice person too,' Georgie smiled.

'You're just saying that.'

'You're an okay person.'

Marie flapped at the other girl's arm but she couldn't help but grin as Georgie laughed and ducked away.

'Rude!' the vampyre exclaimed, 'I'm a fantastic person! The best, in fact!'

Marie was expecting the other girl to jump in with a funny rebuttal like "At least someone thinks so!" but the redhead just smiled a bit wistfully and said nothing. Marie felt an odd sense of disappointment and confusion about what the other girl was thinking. She seemed to be on the same page at times, and then at other times she seemed like she didn't really get the vampyre's humour, or even understand her at all.

'Anyway, I should probably get going, I have detention,' Marie explained, bounding back up the stairs. It was really difficult to climb on to the banister and crawl her way upwards.

'Alright,' Georgie agreed, making no further comment.

Marie felt disappointed again that she didn't even ask what exciting mischief that Marie had gotten up to. She wanted to brag about the fact that she had stolen Evan's shoe and hidden it outside the window sill of the classroom while he dozed off during bio.

Marie half-heartedly waved goodbye to the other and then ran up to the library where detention was being held.

'Hello dear,' the librarian greeted her.

They were on familiar terms since Marie often ended up in this place.

'Hiii,' she chirped, 'What's up.'

'I'm catching up on my reading,' she replied, 'Ciara is here as well today. They're your friend, aren't they?'

'Oh, yes,' Marie glanced about and caught their eye, 'I wonder what they're in for.'

Marie waved happily as she slid into a seat next to her friend and asked what exciting thing they were in trouble for.

'Well, nothing so exciting,' Ciara admitted, 'I just ate during class.'

'And I'm here because I gave them the food,' a girl sitting across from them cut in, grinning.

She was a business student, and Marie being in the science stream wasn't so familiar with her. Ciara did a mix of both so they were in a few of each of the classes.

She introduced herself as Alex and then pulled a bag of candy out of her large pencil case.

'Wanna eat during detention?' she grinned.

'I already love you,' Marie claimed, reaching into the bag and grabbing a handful.

'Ooh what's that you're reading?' the vampyre asked, crunching loudly on her candy.

She reached over and rudely snatched the book from Alex's hands, flipping it all the way to the beginning.

'Hell's Angel by SheyberryPie,' she read out loud, 'That sounds fun!'

'Heeyy, you made me lose my place,' Alex wailed, trying to snatch it back, 'I was still in the middle of that!'


'Oh leave her alone Marie,' Ciara sighed, throwing their own book at Marie's head, 'Here, I just finished reading this. I think it sums up your currently situation perfectly.'

Marie glanced at the title, "Forever Alone."

'That's kinda mean.' Marie pouted.

Ciara grinned, showing a wide row of tiny teeth, 'I'm sure you'd find it relatable.'

'Oh, ha-ha,' Marie stuck out her tongue, cramming more candy into her mouth in the process.

Ciara leaned forwards conspiringly, 'I ran into them in the student lounge yesterday, you know.'

'Jesse and Georgie?' Marie demanded, her eyes widening in interest, 'Did you eavesdrop on them for me.'

Ciara chuckled at the audacious question, 'They were just playing foosball really politely and allowing each other to win.'

'Ew. That sounds so boring.'

Marie pulled out her furry pencil case and flapped her face with the soft bunny ears on it. She then proceeded to flap the faces of everyone seated around her.

Her mind wandered to the scent of raspberries.

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