Chapter Twenty

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Andrew looked up nervously at the fanged boy. James was staring at him with an unreadable expression. Andrew gulped, wondering how he could possibly ask what was on his mind.

'I won't come in,' James assured, misinterpreting the other boy's hesitation.

Andrew shook his head, trying to signal that that wasn't what he was trying to say.

'How- how many,' he started, 'people have you, um...'

James's eyes flashed. 'Murdered,' he stated, finishing the sentence. 'More than I could possibly count.'

Andrew's heart was palpitating. He had expected a high number of course, but this was... terrifying.

What was the most frightening was the look on the vampyre's face. It was haunted and tormented. As pale as death, and as expressive as stone.

'C-can't you just survive on animal blood,' Andrew whispered, his voice too low for a human's ears to catch. 'I know it's probably not as... potent, but maybe, some of the time,' he gulped, 'not all humans are bad and uh- I guess what I'm asking is, have you ever killed someone who was just... a regular, nice... person,' he finished faintly, taking so many pauses within his question so that it didn't even sound like one.

'During the war,' James replied tightly, 'Yes. We had to. And no, I didn't feed on the soldiers.' James shuddered imperceptibly.

Andrew looked at him with large eyes, waiting for him to continue.

'To answer your question, I can, and do, survive on deer. And yes, I feed on humans too- those that my sister finds. When she claims they had it coming, I do not contend with her decision.' James stared at him intensely, watching his reaction. 'Once she's made up her mind, they're dying either way.' He paused. 'Whether I help her or not.'

Andrew shivered and stepped into the room. He didn't find it hard to believe Marie's determination; he only hoped that she was always as right as she thought herself to be.

'You were a soldier?' Andrew asked, his curiosity changing the subject.

'Many times.'

'I've always wondered why people kept repeating history, knowing how it's going to turn out...'

'People forget,' James replied darkly, 'Those who remember get old and die; the children of their children foolishly repeat the cycle.'

'At least after the Final War-

'Every war is the Final War,' James interrupted, 'Until there is another.'

The atmosphere was tense. The room was large, for a dorm, but in that moment, it felt claustrophobic. The boys stood a foot away from each other, but the air between them was charged with emotion.

Andrew's breathing was fast and shallow. A thin layer of sweat broke over his skin from the heat of the vampyre's intense stare. It felt like the room was closing in on him and James took up whatever space was left. Black spots were clouding up his peripheral vision and all he could see was the boy standing in its center.

He was much closer now. Distressingly close.

Andrew's heart beat ten times faster. He could hear it as loud as if it were beating in his ears. His thoughts were all over the place but he mostly wondered how his apparent heart-attack wasn't killing him.

'Hey, it's okay.' James's voice was soft and low. 'Try to take deep breaths, a little slower if you can.'

Andrew could hear the vampyre's heartbeat as loud as his own. It was slow and steady and he concentrated on its sound, willing his own heartbeat to match its pace. James's hand felt warm against his skin where he gently held him steady.

'Are you okay?' James asked. He held Andrew steady with a gentle hand on his upper arm. It felt surprisingly warm against the human's skin.

'Yeah I, uh... I just get quite light headed at times.'

'Sounds like an iron deficiency.' James frowned. 'You're not eating enough.'

'I haven't had much of an appetite lately,' Andrew admitted, 'But it's not just that, I- well with the news and all....' He trailed off and James looked at him expectantly. 'You're acting a little intense,' Andrew awkwardly finished.

James blinked. 'I was just worried about you.'

Andrew flushed at that. 'Oh um.. I'm fine-'

'You faint all the time.'

'I don't faint all the time.'

'Well quite oft-

'It was only twice!' Andrew defended.

'I know you fainted a few hours ago and you almost did so again,' James replied, narrowing his eyes.

'It was just the news earlier, it was awful! And now it's- because you keep... staring at me so seriously,' he rambled.

'You feel like fainting when I look at you?'

James's lips tugged up slightly at the corners and Andrew almost imagined he was teasing him. Almost.

'I didn't mean it like that,' he mumbled reticently.

The smile that played on the vampyre's lips was no longer intense but it still made Andrew feel hot beneath his skin.

He was a little breathless again— but not in a bad way this time.

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