Chapter Thirty-Eight

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'Andrew,' James said, 'You really ought not to come with us tomorrow.'

The boys were in their dorm, planning out their next day's trip. At least, James was planning and Andrew was trying to join in.

Andrew groaned. 'Not this again. We already found Danyel anyway and, it's just a short trip to the cargo-hold.'

'Danyel is off his head,' James pointed out, 'I highly doubt he's a safe traveling partner. You know what he did the last time he went in search of cargo.'

Andrew couldn't hide his shudder. 'Yes but— he said himself that no lilies are being imported anymore... it's been weeks. I'm sure we won't find any,' he added, trying to convince the other boy despite his own misgivings about the eternal.

'I fear Danyel may be the least harmful killer around here,' James said darkly, 'At least we know him and can somewhat predict his next actions, based on all he's told us. It's not safe for you to go to the crater again, with what happened.'

'That was...' Andrew paled. 'Most likely a human's doing.'

'That doesn't make it any less dangerous.'

'But I'll be with you-

James raised his eyebrows and heat rose to Andrew's cheeks.

'Andrew, maybe, just maybe, you should consider that it's probably not in your best interests to entrust your safety to a blood-thirsty vampyre.' James wasn't really kidding but a soft smile still played over his lips.

'You're not as scary as you think you are,' Andrew replied, a teasing smile making its way onto his face.

'You must have noticed me leaving every night to feed.'

'You need to do it often because you only drink deer!' Andrew pointed out, 'People eat deer, it's not a big deal. And you haven't had to feed since the two men.'

James sighed. 'That's not the point. Yes, I can most likely protect you from a human- but Danyel is an eternal and much stronger, than both my sister and I combined. And we cannot just assume the heart murderer is human,' he added darkly, 'There are a myriad of monsters that roam Ather.'

'Isn't it dangerous for you? And Marie?' Andrew asked in worry, 'And what if Danyel traps you in a- an iron box? You can't touch it without burning but if I were there I could get you out.'

'Why would he trap us in an iron box?'

'It could happen,' Andrew huffed, 'I'm just saying I could be useful. And if the sun comes out I'll hold an umbrella for you.'

'You're going to follow me around with an umbrella?'

'Yes, always.'

James grinned. 'And will you run about, carefully balancing it over my head if I happen to get in a fight with Danyel in the middle of a sunny field?'

The imagery made Andrew giggle. 'I'll try to keep up. Marie says I run fast.' His voice took on a more serious tone as he mentioned her. 'Speaking of Marie- aren't you worried about her spending more time with Danyel? She left campus straight after classes today to go see him; she's still not back.'

'I'm sure she can look after herself.'

Andrew looked at him doubtfully.

James sighed. 'I was insanely overprotective and paranoid after we first turned; her death was imprinted on my mind.'

Andrew nodded. He'd pieced together what happened through bits and snippets the twins sometimes mentioned.

'I felt guilty too,' James added, 'Because I couldn't protect her at the end. I wasn't there.' He waved away Andrew's disagreement before he continued. 'What I didn't realize was how strong she had gotten. She didn't need protection from anyone anymore.'

'I guess...' Andrew replied hesitantly, 'But ever since Danyel came to the school she's just been in full agreement with him. About everything. It seems like she doesn't even care about all the things he's done and innocent people he's killed.' He paused. 'She's acting like she actually- likes him.'

James shrugged. 'She likes a lot of people.'

'But he's a murderer!' Andrew yelled.

'So is she. And so am I,' James replied, his expressionless face not matching the icy tone his voice took on.

'It's not the same,' Andrew argued, 'And she's getting really close to him.'

'There's no reason why that should bother you, is there?' the vampyre demanded.

'I just think she deserves someone better, and he-

'It's not really any of your business,' James interrupted, a hint of annoyance seeping into his voice, 'You had best stay out of it.'

Andrew turned scarlet in rage. He set his jaw and crossed his arms over his chest. Dark eyes narrowed, staring daggers at the vampyre. If there was one thing Andrew hated— it was being interrupted.

James tilted his head to stare down at the boy, coolly noting his anger. His aloofness only served to further irritate Andrew. He knew he could be hot-tempered at times, and comparing his fury against the other boy's frigidness was vexing him even further.

Andrew huffed and glared at the fanged boy, disagreeing with James's previous statement which was spinning around his mind. How was it none of his business? He just felt that as Marie's friend, he had a reasonable right for not wanting her to date a freaking murderer! In fact, he thought that James was a little bit too unconcerned about it.

'Aren't you worried that he's a bad influence on her?' Andrew finally demanded, unable to believe how James could be so careless, 'I can't tell how much of her is just pretending to go along with his crazy schemes, and how much is actually sympathizing with him.'

'I doubt anyone can influence her, Andrew. She's a lot more strong-minded than you give her credit for.'

James stalked out of the room, thereby ending the conversation.

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