Chapter Five

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A/N: adding pics up here cause I suck at describing xD

Marie and James were in the empty common room instead of their afternoon classes. They sat opposite from each other at a table, the offending lily laying in between them.

'It happens on the exact day he shows up,' James was saying darkly, 'It's too much of a coincidence.'

Marie was more hesitant. 'He seems rather nice, he's awfully quiet too.'

'He has quite a temper,' James placed his elbows on the table, massaging his temples with his fingers.

'Really?' Marie asked in surprise, 'He doesn't seem the sort.'

'People are rarely what they seem. You should know that by now.'

A foreboding silence fell upon them for a moment before James continued, 'I can't quite describe it but there's something that's... different about him.'

'Is it an aura of evilness?' she gasped dramatically.

'No,' he frowned, 'He's just not like other humans. That is, if he's human at all...' His implication hung in the air.

'You think he's like... us?' Marie asked, fear shifting her face, for they were the most dangerous of creatures.

'I suppose.. I haven't seen him eat anything. Humans need to eat quite often, don't they?'

'He brought a sandwich today,' she replied doubtfully, trying to think back on whether she saw him actually eating it. 

'Wait, I know he ate at least some chips yesterday, it was right here,' she remembered, slamming her hands down on the table.

'Vampyres can't eat human food, but him eating doesn't necessarily mean that he's a human. He could be an eternal or something else,' James replied stubbornly as they both pondered the thought.

'He could be a myriad of other things, but nothing quite as dangerous as us,' Marie said sinisterly, a ruthless glint in her eye. Her usually happy expression had shifted to one of vengeance. Her lips parted menacingly to reveal her blood-thirsty fangs, forever craving their revenge.

James almost feared his sister when she looked like this; it reminded him of the monsters they actually were. He shrank against the back of his seat, unable to think of the words that would calm her. Usually there was only one thing that could calm her when she got like this... and that was, well; suffice it to say that he couldn't understand her bloodlust. But he also couldn't bring himself to rebuke it.

The school day was now over and students slowly started trickling into the common room. James was glad that Marie was distracted by the sight of her friends and she bounced back gaily into her usual carefree attitude.

He watched as she sailed up to them and fell into easy conversation. She made tons of friends wherever she went, and they shifted schools quite a lot. They couldn't stay in the same place for much longer than five years because they stayed the same age while all their friends grew old.

James had long given up on befriending humans, he couldn't handle the endless cycle of them dying one after the other. It had been especially horrifying during the war years; his friends and fellow soldiers were dropping like fleas around him while he remained forever undead.

He shook off the desolate thoughts as he looked back at his sister who had now moved on to another group of friends. He supposed they were all replaceable in her mind, a new generation of friendships always at the ready as the old one died out. He could never have that careless of an attitude.

But then again, she had always needed a great deal of social interaction to thrive on, no matter where it came from. It was just in her nature to be extroverted and friendly to everyone.

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