Character list and stuff

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Wow it's finally complete! A huge thank you to all of you who have made it this far!

I have a new book out now called Hell's Angel! It's got all the characters from True vs. Turned in it (alternate universe!)

Anyway, I'd love to hear your opinions so I thought it'd be fun to have a little Q&A section here :>

1. Who was your favourite character?  ᵔ ◞ ᵔ

2. Who was your LEAST favourite?

3. What was the best/funnest moment?

4. What was the most surprising plot twist?

5. What did you think of the ending?

6. What would you like to see improved? (Be honest lol xD)

But most importantly... Who's REALLY older?

Comment for James —>

Comment for Marie —>

Will there be a sequel?
Yeah! It's already written but I'm doing all the final edits before I started publishing it c:

Where can I read more about the characters?
In Hell's Angel! It's already been published on my profile :D

What about the magic deer?
It does make an appearance again! It's an inter-dimension creature ;)
*I smell a mashup*

Ooh and if you have any questions to ask me then ask right here! ->

And now for the character list!

Name: Marie Aka: Lady Marienne Cleremont of the Hawthorne Cleremont'sHair: currently dyed jet-blackAlways: annoyingLoves: pulling shoelaces Pet peeve: when James pretends to be older

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Name: Marie
Aka: Lady Marienne Cleremont of the Hawthorne Cleremont's
Hair: currently dyed jet-black
Always: annoying
Loves: pulling shoelaces
Pet peeve: when James pretends to be older

Name: Marie Aka: Lady Marienne Cleremont of the Hawthorne Cleremont'sHair: currently dyed jet-blackAlways: annoyingLoves: pulling shoelaces Pet peeve: when James pretends to be older

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Name: James
The names James. Nond the Bond. Nond James.
Aka: Lord James Cleremont of the Hawthorne Cleremont's
Hates: everything
Likes: Andrew

Name: Andrew Andrew's (no I'm not kidding)Hair: fluffyLikes: everything Hates: his name

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Name: Andrew Andrew's (no I'm not kidding)
Hair: fluffy
Likes: everything
Hates: his name

Head on over to Hell's Angel if you'd like to see more of these characters! It's written in a first person POV so it gives more of an insight into their thoughts :>

Okay, now on to the bonus chapters! I've made a list of possible stuff, so take a vote or request a scene!

1. Favourite scenes written in first person, in various character POV's

2. Spin-off of Lady Marienne's life soon after she was turned - Regency era + Roaring 20's +
taking suggestions on any other historical events!

3. Spin-off of James's life as a soldier; first person POV. Includes Marie as a wartime nurse, doing blood typing by ~tasting the goods~

4. Okay, I'm really seriously considering this one - a retelling of Dracula where Marie is Dracula?? Lol xD

*Taking other requests/suggestions for bonus chapters right here ->

Thank you, all of you, for EVERYTHING!!❤️❤️

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