Chapter Forty-One

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It was still the middle of the night when they arrived. James looked directly ahead of him as he walked, whereas Andrew looked up and saw three full moons lining the sky. It was so rare for them to all be full simultaneously. He would likely only see the anomaly two or three times within his average human lifespan of one hundred years. The biggest one was directly above them with the other two on either side, forming a enchanting arc. They were coated in azure clouds, their light brightly shining through. They made the thick grass look dark and inky, and shone a blue-toned light on their solemn faces.

James subconsciously reached out and steadied the human who was staring at the sky and meandering off their path. Andrew tripped on a few rocks and then childishly grumbled, yanking back his arm and stomping ahead.

James momentarily cast his eyes heavenwards at the boy's immaturity. Fortunately, his many years of living had bestowed a great deal of patience upon him. He tore his eyes away from the curly-haired boy and turned his attention towards his sister.

Marie stuck close to the eternal, feeding into his excitement and appearing to be genuinely on his side. James wasn't surprised that Andrew was gullible enough to fall for her whole act, but he was shocked that Danyel seemed to be as well.

'I truly am glad to have your company, my lady,' the eternal gushed, 'I have been ever so lonesome the past millennium.'

'You don't have to be alone, Danyel,' she sweetly replied, 'No one does.'

James was shocked to note that she didn't even get upset about being called "my lady." She was usually rather angered by reminders of her human life, not to mention that she absolutely detested the traditional ideas of social position.

Danyel beamed and bounded along in front of them, practically skipping with innocent glee. Was he really that naïve to believe they were all trying to help him with his crazy scheme? Clearly, the man had some psychological issues; he had gone around killing innocents due to his unhinged visions, and now he was acting like they were all the best of friends.

James knew well enough how manipulative his sister could be, although she behaved like a child most times. She had always been an incredible actress; in the century they were born in it had been necessary for her to hide her true feelings. She seemed truly smitten with the eternal now, but James knew that in reality, it was far more likely for him to fall under her spell.

He was conscious of the fact that his sister was unarguably quite beautiful. They had the same eyes but on her they sparkled. She had many suitors while she was still human, regardless of her comparatively lesser dowry. She also had a long string of ex-lovers once she was turned, and they all went down in flames.

They had included all of James's friends as well, which had certainly made things awkward. Not that he ever really had many friends that he was close with. All in all, James rather hoped that her next affair was with the eternal who he didn't really care for.

Or really anybody other than the wide-eyed human who wouldn't stop staring at the moon.

The group trudged along, making their way behind the airport to where the cargo hold was. The next plane had already landed but the hub was quiet and empty, the pilot and crew having long left to a nearby motel to get some sleep. The shipment wouldn't be unloaded and taken to the construction site till morning, leaving plenty of time to sneak in and go through its contents.

James stared in trepidation at the thick iron fence that went around the whole perimeter. Its broad bars were in a crisscross pattern that lay within three layers of iron. The heavily padlocked gate stood before him, holding the cargo storage area securely inside. The iron obstacle was a daunting sight to the vampyre.

'We cannot enter this place,' he said, glancing back at Marie.

'Maybe you cannot,' she replied.

Her cheeks flushed a guilty crimson as James looked at her in confusion. She ducked her head, not meeting his gaze.

Marie slowly reached out and cradled the iron lock. Her fingers wrapped around the cool metal and she snapped it open easily.

She did not burn.

'I- I'm a true eternal now.'

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