Bonus Chapter

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A/n: I wrote this lil piece from before Andrew joined school :)


'I want to be the student rep!' Marie wheedled, her blue eyes wide as she pleaded with Evan.

'No, that's my job!' Evan exclaimed, 'Now come on, we're already late for class.'

They were running up the staircase, taking two at a time. Marie got distracted for a moment as she paused to think of whether she could slide up the banister the same way she slides down it.

'But it's the first new student we've got since we started,' she complained as she straddled the wide banister.

'Gravity,' Evan reminded, pulling her off it as she started to slide down, 'And yea, I doubt anyone else will join again in the middle of the year.'

'So, I should do it because I'm just so much more welcoming than you,' Marie explained, 'I'm going to show him around the entire school and we're going to be the best of friends.'

'You're already the best of friends with everyone,' Evan pointed out, 'Now hurry up, I need a seat in the front.'

Marie pulled a face. 'Why would you want that? I'm only rushing so that I can get a seat in the back!'

'I can't hear Miss's voice, it's too low,' Evan explained, 'I need to lip read all the time. Anyway, you can't handle the massive responsibility that comes with the job.'

Marie huffed in annoyance as Evan teasingly ran in front of her and waved the new kid's class schedule and other documents in front of her face.

'Just... just give me those!' she yelled, lunging for the papers.

She chased him really fast up the staircase and to the classroom like how he had planned but she reached it before him and stood in front of the door, blocking it till he handed over the papers.

'You're so fast,' Evan gasped, doubled over as he tried to catch his breath.

Marie grinned at this, leaning against the door of their classroom, the top half of which was unfortunately made of glass and therefore see-through.

'What are you both doing out there?' the teacher demanded, yanking open the door. Marie lost her balance against it and fell into the classroom.

They both apologized for their tardiness as Marie picked herself up and Evan shuffled in.

'Don't be late again. You can go sit in the back,' she directed.

'No miss, don't put me in the back! I want to look at your face!' Evan exclaimed hurriedly.

Marie snickered at how it sounded and soon the entire class joined in while Evan turned beet-red and tried to stammer out an explanation.

Their teacher turned quite red as well, but in annoyance, and then she sent both of them to the back. Marie and Evan slid into their seats as the class quietened down and Marie started whisper-pleading again for the honour of showing the new kid around.

'I'm sure he can be friends with all of us,' Evan insisted.

Marie stroked back the bunny ears on her fluffy pencil case as she pondered this.

'Not all of us,' she finally said, her fingertips pressing together as she rested her pointy chin on them.

'Sheesh, you're right.' Evan grinned. 'I do feel bad for him for having to share a dorm with James.'

'May the lord bless his soul,' Marie solemnly replied as she crossed her fingers over her chest.

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