{ Est Gee } Baby Daddy

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3:00 AM

Boom! Boom! Boom!

I instantly jumped out of the bed and ran to the door.

After the weird ass dream I just had of my cheating ass no good ass baby daddy and I, I'm glad that somebody was knocking.

I needed to wake up from that shit.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Y/N open the door, I wanna talk!"I heard him say from the other side.

That's fucking weird, it's like I just spoke this nigga up.

"Gee it's three o'clock in the fucking morning, get away from my door!"

"Baby just open the door so we can talk, I'm sorry!"

Let me give y'all the tea real quick.

Gee and I have not one, not two, but three children together.

We have a six year old son, a three year old daughter, and now I'm six months pregnant with our second son.

Why did I get pregnant by his ass three times?

I mean... you know how bitches be stuck on stupid.

Before Gee got famous and fell in love with this rap shit, I was the bitch who was in the trap with him night and day.

Pregnant and all, I was sittin' my stupid ass right there getting cheated on, lied to, abused, and a whole lot more.

Now with the whole abuse thing, any form of it isn't okay, but in my defense I was only abused probably three times by Gee.

Every time I caught him cheating, I'd cheat back.

He'd find out through other mfs and I'd have to deal with that when we got home.

Whatever whatever...

There came a time when I was pregnant with our daughter, he blew up and all of a sudden started spoiling the fuck out of a bitch.

I fell right back into his shit and got knocked up only for everything to happen again.

Now we're here and have only been broken up for about three months.

I've finally decided to put myself and my kids first, get my own shit, and here he is again.

"Say what you gotta say, I can hear you."

"I miss you baby, I ain't mean to break ya heart again!! Just give me another chance."

"Well you did just that and don't you think you've had enough chances!?"

"Yea and I apologize but if you give me one more chance I promise you I won't do it again. Come on man, let's do it for our kids!! I'm trynna save our relationship, you gotta help me! Don't just throw it away like this"

"Gee you've promised me multiple times and you broke every promise! How are you trying to save our relationship when you're the one who did me wrong!?"

"I won't break another one and I'm here trynna save the shit now!!"

"Goodnight George!"I said before walking away.

Before I could even get to my room he began beating once again.

I went back to the door.

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