{ Lil Migo } "Did You Fuck Her!?" 2

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I knocked on my brothers door and waited for him to come open it.

"Wassup sis"he said and I walked into his house.

"You need to get your fucking friend! He's disrespecting me again!"

"Y/N don't come over with that bullshit, I already told you what it was when you started fucking with him!"

"So you don't care!?"

"No! You wanted to do what you wanted to do after I warned you, so now you gotta deal with that shit!"

"Well can you at least help me get my shit out of his house!?"

"No mane, that ain't got shit to do with me!!"he said and I heard a knock on the door.

Y/b/n went to open the door and I sighed as Migo walked in.

"Wassup bruh"he said to y/b as he dapped him up and then spiked to everybody else before looking at me.

I tried walking to the bathroom and he caught up with me pushing me inside while he closed and locked the door.

"What are you doing here!?"I said while looking up at him.

"What you doing here!?"

"This is my brother's house!"

"You still telling him about what we got going on knowing damn well he ain't gone say or do shit!?"

I sighed while shrugging.

"Can you just love out of the way so that I can go!?"

"Go where!? You ain't got nowhere to go ya family don't fuck with you, you ain't got no friends, no where to live, ya brother sick of your bullshit. Where you gone go!?"

I thought about everything he said and he was the only person I had besides my brother when he's not sick of my bullshit and that's never.

"So what you gone do!?"

"Move out of my way!"I said while trying to push him from in front of the door.

"Nah what you gone do!?"

"Get the fuck outta my way!!!"I yelled as I began crying.

"Now you wanna start all this crying and shit, what you crying for mane?"

"Why me Adarious?"

"What you mean why you?"

"Why me!? I have nobody but you and this is how you do me!?"

"But I already told you not to worry about that shit"

"How am I not supposed to worry when it's me that your treating like this!?"

"Because I'm telling you that it ain't shit going on! All you gotta do is believe me!"

"Okay!!"I yelled while looking at him.

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