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3rd Person's POV

—the cold breeze of wind made Takashi Yumi shiver a little. Winter was coming, her least favorite season of the year because she isn't really good at handling low temperatures. Yumi hugged herself constantly rubbing her hands together to have heat for her body.

She was on her way to Inarizaki, almost nearing it. She's always the type of student who'd go to school early to avoid the crowd in the gate but of course she can't always avoid that specially when she's in such a large school with lots of popular people. It was annoying but she can't really complain.

First destination of the day, like per usual she goes to the library to chech some books out. The librarian who's surprisingly not an old folk gave her a cheeky grin that she answered with a small smile accompanied by a small wave.

Aki is probably one of her friends in the whole school and he's not even a student. He was 7 years older than her and he was really fun to be around. Best part is that he was a nerd like herself. Additional points because he's good looking and is really nice, and he always gives her a pocky when no one is around.

"How's my favorite girl doing? Come to check out another batch of books?"  He asked very used to her routines every week. Yumi nods her head. Clutching her bag a little tight because she was still feeling a little cold, she frowns mentally with that. 'I should've brought a jacket.. ' she mentally said.

"Well go ahead then take your time Yumi." He said to her. She muttered a small thank you and went ahead.

Reading is really one of her hobbies. She came from a family of nerds so that's not really surprising. Her brother graduated already and he is now a professor in Italy, her father is a professor too in a University in Tokyo while her mother is a doctor. Yumi was aware that she isn't as smart as her family, she's one of the top students in Inarizaki but that's not really something worth to brag specially on family dinners. But no one really pressured her, they were all really supportive and she's super happy about that.

Once Yumi got the books she wanted she checked them out, bidding her friend Aki a goodbye before hurriedly walking to her room. She look at her wristwatch and saw that she only got 30 mins before class officially starts. She pouted a little thinking that she won't have enough time to read just when someone suddenly pulled her. It wasn't a harsh one, but enough to give her a heart attack. She almost fell when the person hurriedly got her, helping her with her balance.

Yumi shrieked, her eyes widen and her mouth gaped open by the sudden action then her eyes met Suna Rintarou's green ones making her a blushing mess in an instant.

"Hey, look where you're going..." He's deep voice resonated in her eardrums. That's when she noticed the situation she was in. Girls were swarming around the premises and that is most definitely the Miya Twins fault. If it wasn't for Suna she surely was pushed on the wall right by now and that'll probably hurt.

" S-Sorry, and thank you senpai..." She spoke trying to fix herself and all infront of him. Suna observed her small frame, he let out a low hum before sliding both his hands on his pocket. Eyes still wandering around Yumi who was busy looking at the mess infront her.

She gulped, still thinking what would've happen if she bumped into them. That will surely ruin her entire day. She sighed and smiled a little. It was a little awkward and all but she was thankful to be saved from ruckus infront her. While Yumi was on her own little world Suna just watched her and saw the small gesture making his brows shot up a little. His sleepy eyes filled with curiosity as his gaze was on his little kouhai.

"T-Thank you again senpai, really.." she said with sincerity, Yumi breathes out and gives him a bow before hurriedly leaving the scene because it was really uncomfortable but before she could ever leave his hand somehow got her arm softly pulling her a little closer to him. Yumi once again looks at him, a small blush present on her face.

"Can I have your name?" He asked nonchalantly. She was taken a back not getting why he needs her name.

' What did I do? Am I in trouble? '

Yumi tilts her head a little with her brows crunched, a small pout was back on her lips. Suna almost smile with the scene infront of him.

' that's so cute damn'

"Huh?" She asked, hundreds of thoughts running through her head but words won't come out of her mouth for some reason.

Suna bites his lip to surpass the smile trying to escape. "Your name I said, if it's okay that is." He repeats, letting out a small cough.

Yumi bits her shaking lip. "T-Takashi Yumi from Class 1-A s-senpai.." she muttered like she was in daze as she stare at his green eyes. He nods and let's her go slowly. She watch his hand fall into his side.

"Takashi... I'm Suna Rintarou.." he said with a lazy smile on his lips. She nods timidly before giving him another bow and finally running off the hallways to her room so she could escape the most terrifying yet most surprising event that has ever happened in her life here in Inarizaki.

Yumi never associated herself with all the socialites in her school but she wasn't really that dense about their existence either. They were famous for a reason, and she was just touched by one of them. The famous lazy middle blocker of Inarizaki Volleyball Club, Suna Rintarou.

—After all the ruckus, the girls finally left them alone. Atsumu had a frown on his lips and so does the other twin. But the grey haired idiot didn't fail to see the little girl Suna was talking to. It wasn't a shocker to see him interact with other people or girls in specific but still, there was something about their interaction that made it different. Or was it that girl?

"Who's the kid a while ago?" He asked as they were walking to the gym. Suna hummed and just shrugged, "Someone who's not fawning over you two that's for sure." He answered before walking ahead of the twins. Making them look at each other with a questioning look.

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