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—Suna Rintarou read the text for the 5th time this day. His eyes looking as lifeless as ever. Atsumu sent him a message around 3 am and he just woke up. He just sat there, reading the message over and over again, a part of him delighted that finally everything is okay again and another part of him unhappy after reading the message.

It was stupid of him to make himself hope of something impossible. It was his fault anyways. He should stop it before anything goes even more wrong.

"Ah, fuck it." He sighs throwing the phone on his bedside table. He let his body fall back on his bed closing his eyes for a moment.

From: Piss hair

   I think Osamu and Yumi made up, he spent the night on her house. I thought he was dead what the hell right?

From: Piss hair

     Anyways, wanna grab a drink after school later?

"Senpai this is embarrassing.." Yumi muttered trying to hide behind Osamu's back their hands intertwined. Osamu hummed in delight and tug her hand a little so she was now walking beside him again.

"You're my girlfriend, don't be embarrassed. I won't let them touch you nor harm you anyway so have a little confidence cause you're really beautiful.." he says looking infront of him. Yumi blushes furiously because of that.

Osamu literally run his way back home to fix himself and run again so they can walk together to school. He looked like a mess earlier but now, somehow he even looks more attractive with his kinda disheveled hair and messy uniform. Yumi frowns and stops walking making him stop as well. The boy gave his girlfriend a questioning look.

She sighs and walks closer to him, her hands finding its way to his necktie fixing it. She tied his collar neatly and tried to flatten his wrinkled coat with the palm of her hands. Osamu watch her the whole time as she took her time doing so. It made his eyes flutter, his grey orbs lit up as he watch. Osamu's eyes widen when Yumi pulls his necktie making him bend down on her.

Yumi glares at her boyfriend playfully. Her hands brushing his hair. Osamu blushes this time when her hands make contact with his scalp. She was so gentle the whole time. Yumi didn't dare look at him, she was shy but a little irritated that her boyfriend look so hot in whatever appearance he had. It was unfair.

"Didn't know you were a possessive one." He teases her. Yumi rolls her eyes playfully at him. "I don't know what you're talking about Osamu-san." She says. Osamu rest his hands on her waist pulling her a little closer to him while she was still fixing his hair.

Yumi soon had a satisfied smile on her lips after looking at him. Her eyes lands on his face and caught him staring at her.

"Hmm, what is there something on my face?" She ask with a small smile on her lips.

"Nothing, I just realized you look like someone.." he trails off. Yumi  gave him a questioning look. "Who?"

Osamu pecks her nose and grinned at her lazily. "My future wife." He whispers before letting go of her. He walks ahead leaving her frozen on the roadside with wide eyes and blushing cheeks.



"Osamu I swear to God I'm going to choke you if you make her cry again." Atsumu scolds at his twin brother one afternoon. They were in the middle of practice. He was setting for him like they used to.

"I know. That was a dick move. I think you're influencing me too much.." he says gaining a glare from the blonde. "You fucking twit—"

"Treat her right." Suna says in the middle of their conversation. He stood on the left part of the court. Everyone suddenly felt the growing tension at the two. Even Kita was intimidated at that moment.

"I know my wrong. It was stupid of me to say all that crap. And you don't have to tell me that because I will." Osamu says. He raise his head his eyes meeting Suna's green ones looking at him emotionlessly.

No words needed, no explanation needs to be voiced out. Somethings are better left unspoken.

"You better. I don't think I can stop myself next time if I see her like that again." He grips the volleyball tight in his hands. Osamu chuckled lightly he cross his arms and smirks.

"What, is this the part where you tell me you like my girlfriend?" Suna spins the ball on his hands and stops it with the other creating a loud slapping sound. (that sounded dirty sorry hehe)

"What if I do? What are you gonna do about it?" Suna asked. They both stare at each other. Atsumu was sweating furiously, somehow he blames himself because of their conflict. He swears to kamisama that he was going to tie them both himself if they brawl.

Osamu sighs before letting out a genuine laugh. Atsumu almost cried in relief when even Suna smiles at him.

"It can't be helped that someone else would like her I'm not surprised..." He muttered. Suna throws him the ball and he catches it with ease. "..but I'm not handing her to anyone else, that I'm sure." Osamu smirks and throws the ball to Atsumu this time.

Suna chuckled, both his hands resting on his waist. "Good to know."

"You guys almost give me a heart attack!"

The three exits the gym side by side with silly smiles on their faces. Atsumu was once again blabbering shit, Suna roasting his ass and Osamu supporting Suna. The three immediately whip their heads to the other gym when they hear Yumi's cheerful voice calling out to them.

"You guys!" She shouts, Ryko gives them a smile before letting their libero go to meet her other friends.

"Yumi-chan!" Atsumu imitates her mood running after her for a hug but both Suna and Atsumu held the back of his shirt stopping him from getting near the little bubbly girl.

"I hate you guys so much." He whines like a kid and Yumi pats his head. "That's okay senpai, you'll get your hug next time." She tries to cheer him up, she then skips her way to Osamu giving Suna a high five on the way.

"Osamu-san! " She cheers. Osamu pinch her cheeks, his eyes looking at her so lovingly making the other two cringe but nevertheless happy for the both of them.

"I missed you.."

"But we were just together an hour ago?"

Suna nudges Atsumu's shoulder gaining the blond's attention. "Are we still getting that drink?" He asked making Atsumu smirk at him. "I'm paying, I got you this time." He said making Suna shook his head a sad smile in his lips as he looks at the couple infront of him. 

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