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—Miya Osamu lifelessly walk in the hallways of Inarizaki, his hand grip the strap of his bag in a tight manner. You can easily feel the negative mood radiating off from him even from the distance. Everyone avoided him that day no one dared to even walk the same path with him, and that even includes Atsumu and Suna who he didn't even bother to look for. He felt awful.

He just wanted to run over to Yumi's room, grab her and apologize for all he said, that he didn't mean all those and that he really wants to be with her so bad he'll give everything up just to be with her. But he couldn't.. he was desperate alright but Atsumu and Suna wouldn't let him get near her.

"Osamu are you okay?" Their captain asked, Kita Shinsuke as they were taking a break. The said boy glanced at Atsumu and Suna who doesn't seem to include Osamu in their group. He noticed the tension between them, specially between the twins. Aside from that, his spikes were not in its best state right at the moment.

"Did you guys have a fight? You don't have to tell me if you do but I'm really worried. " He continues. Osamu shook his head, eyes looking at the floor. Kita sighs and gave his junior a light tap on the back. He doesn't see Osamu down everyday and when he is he can't even say the right words to cheer him up. "Pull yourself together, this is no time to be upset. Focus on your goal." He advice before leaving him there to think.

He didn't budge though, thoughts running back from everything that happened yesterday. And the days before that when all was well and when she was just happily there beside him as they laugh over nonsense things. 

"Practice is starting Osamu get up.." surprisingly, Suna approached him. He offered his hand to him and he hesitantly took it. Osamu opened his mouth to talk but Suna beat him to it.

"I'm still mad at you, you plain shit, you better make it up to her or I'll hurt you myself." He whispered before walking away going behind Atsumu who doesn't seem to give a fuck about him.

The afternoon practice soon ended and he was back on the lonely hallways of his school. His eyes looking on his feet that slowly took a step taking him to the very familiar classroom they used to eat lunch.

Osamu was surprised to see his self in there but nevertheless went in. His eyes landed on the desk she used to sit on. He march his ways closer and made himself comfortable. Tears started forming in his eyes as he realizes that she wasn't here anymore. The warmth he felt everytime she was beside him, her angelic giggles, her soft touch.. all gone.

"Yumi-chan... I'm sorry.. please come back ..." he whispers, silent tears falling as he let his head fall on top of the desk.

—Yumi hated herself for feeling like this when all this time it was her fault why everything's a mess. She knows that Atsumu and Suna are mad at Osamu because of her. She told them through text that they shouldn't treat Osamu like this and that it was all between them. But no avail. She finds it ridiculous that even his own twin would do this.

Yumi sighed for like the tenth time that evening. She threw her phone on her bed and went to her balcony to get some fresh air.   Everything happened so fast (literally) her emotions all over her head, she was hurt but this time more aware of what's happening. She misses him but she couldn't really present herself infront of the boy, she didn't know how.

She look above the night sky, ignoring the cold breeze of the wind calmly blowing through. It was peaceful tonight, she loved it. She needed thi—

"T-Takashi Y-Yumi!" A voice shouted from below her balcony. From there she could see the oh so very familiar grey headed boy, panting. His eyes looking directly at her.

Yumi gasp, even pinching herself to wake her self if she ever was dreaming but unfortunately.. no. "What the heck are you doing here Osamu-senpai?!" She hysterically shouted, she was gonna run for it but Osamu called out to her again.

"Yumi.. a-answer your phone! Don't come down here, it's cold!" He shouted, he was still catching his breath. Osamu dialled her number, his whole being shivering because it was really indeed cold.

Yumi hurriedly run to her room, she grab her phone that were ringing and answered. She walk back to the balcony and look down to see Osamu squating down on the road, his fist clenched.

"Y-Yumi-chan.. " he called. His voice full of pain and agony, he called her name like he was pleading for her mercy.

"Senpai why are you here?" Despite asking that in a firm tone it still sounded cute and calming for Osamu. Boy was he whipped.

"Yumi I messed up... I d-don't want to lose you please..!" He shouted over the phone. He couldn't look her in the eye, he felt stupid for saying all those things that day when it literally was all a lie.

"I don't seem to understand senpai." She said to him. Sadness was evident in her eyes, she didn't really want to press the issue anymore. She'll forget all her feelings over time and they're going to be back to being friends and all is wel—

" I love you Yumi. Goddamn it I really do. I didn't mean it, please.. I-I want to be with you!" He was freezing but to hell to it. He needs to let his emotions out or he was gonna lose it.

" Huh?" That was all she say, but Yumi looks away. "... how will I know if this is a lie or not? For all I know you can only be saying this because you feel guilty." She whispers. Yumi clutch her chest, Osamu looks up to her to see the tears forming in her eyes. It was like a slap on the face to see how much she was hurting as much as him.

"Yumi-chan I-I... I will never lie to you.." he says. He couldn't find the right words to counterpart what she said. He felt pathetic at this moment.

Yumi shook her head, she went back inside her house and Osamu's eyes widen when she closes her balcony door. But the call was still ongoing. "Osamu-senpai I appreciate the thought and everything but if you're only saying this to make me feel better then drop it. As of now you probably know that I am inlove with you.. honestly who wouldn't?" She chuckles but a sad smile was there on her lips. Both their hearts were beating so loud.

"... you're fun to be with, you care a lot, you're funny and charming in your own ways. You seem to know how to deal with me so well, you give me comfort and security. You didn't give up on me despite of being the introvert that I am. You're sweet and kind to me. You can't blame me for falling inlove with you." She sighs. Yumi opens up her front door and Osamu's eyes widen even more. He freezes on the spot and she gave him a genuine smile.

A coat and a cap was in her hands. She walk to him and unlocks the gate of her house. Yumi hangups the phone and slid it inside her pocket, she walks towards him while Osamu watches her every move. He was right, she is an angle.

"I get that it's rough between you and your brother and Rintarou-senpai. I'll try to make it  all go back to what it was before senpai I promise you that. But for now maybe it's best that we keep our distance away from each other. " She says, Yumi places the cap on his head and the coat on his shoulders. She tiptoes just to do that because of their height gap. Osamu took it as oppurtunity not wasting the chance and wrap his strong arms around her tiny waist.

Yumi's eyes widen this time face whipping to face him when no seconds later their lips met. That's when Yumi's heart exploded and Osamu finally felt the peace he needed. He was right once again, it was in her touch that he finds comfort and love.

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