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—"Stop messing with that Miya-senpai, I need that for literature later. " Yumi sighed for the hundredth time today, her ever soft and polite voice still present. "It's a cute notebook, why do you put drawings in it though?" He asked while looking at the every page of her note.

She internally rolled her eyes. He was so annoying in every possible way but she couldn't really complain because that is really rude. Specially since he's a year ahead of her.

"I don't like it looking so plain, it'll look boring." She answered him. Atsumu nods his head understandingly before putting it back on her bag. Next thing he took was her light blue pencil case.

Yumi lets him because she can't really tell him no, and even if she does say something the probability of him complying to her words is a 0.

"Your pens looks cute too, can I have one? Oh, I like this one it's black. " He said, more to himself. Yumi pouts at him but nods her head nevertheless. " Just don't take the ones with sticker, okay? I really love those. " She mumbled while playing with her fingers.

"Hmm but I like the one with sticker." He whined like an absolute kid. She frowns and tried to take it from his hand but he pulled it closer to him so Yumi can't take it.

"Senpai! No, not that one.. " she pleads, but Atsumu just sticks his tongue out and took it. Yumi cross her arms on her chest while she glares at her senpai.

"Can you just buy me lunch already senpai so I can leave." She said getting irritated at him. Yumi just honestly wants to strangle him to death because of all this.

He acts like he was thinking, a smug smirk on his lips before giving her an answer. "Let's wait for my friends first, It'll be rude if we ate and people will misunderstood more. It'll look like a lunch date if we ate by ourselves you know? But if you really insist--" Atsumu acts like he was going to get food but Yumi hurriedly pulls his blazer making him sit down. Just like what he did to her before.

"Fine! Let's wait." She said frowning. A victorious smile forms in his lips. 'I swear to God I'm going to--'

As if the Gods were watching Suna Rintarou along with Miya Osamu appeared. They didn't fail to see the frowning little girl infront of Atsumu.

Suna immediately recognize the girl while Osamu cursed under his breath and went ahead to give his twin a smack on the head earning a loud groan from his blond brother and Yumi internally groaned because it sure as hell hurt.

"Oi, what do you think are you doing? Blackmailing a 1st year to have a date with you in the school's cafeteria? Are you not ashamed Tsumu? " He asked him. He glance at the girl who looked satisfied with him scolding Atsumu.

For some reason, he didn't want to take his eyes away from her. She was really cute and bright. Like a pure bundle of light was just around them, she was mesmerizing just sitting there looking at them like a kid when she really is not but it's the impression you'll get after seeing her.

"Oh, it's you Takashi-san? What are you doing here?" The voice of Suna made Yumi look up. She points her finger at Atsumu who was busy cursing his twin brother for smacking him like that.

"He said that he'll leave me alone if I let him treat me lunch." She said. Suna lazily glared at his teammate. "You're such a dick Atsumu." He commented, Yumi looked away when she heard the curse word blushing a little.

"May I sit here?" Suna asked and she kindly nods at him "Oh, yes go ahead senpai." he smiled a little before doing so. Osamu was watching everything before doing the same totally wondering how he met her while they didn't, he sat infront of Suna eyes still looking at the new girl but nevertheless spoke after regaining his senses.

"I'm sorry about my brother, by the way I'm Miya Osamu." He said gently to her. Both her brows shot up by the sudden attention but she nevertheless gives him a bow shocking the three on their table. "T-Takashi Yumi, very happy to meet you Miya-senpai!" She said very nervous.

After a couple of seconds both Suna and Osamu chuckled with her cute antiques making her blush a little. She sits properly after that.

"You were so mean to me and here you are with that stunt, why didn't you do that earlier?" Atsumu pouts once again. She glares at him a little. "That's because you were really mean to me earlier senpai." She said.

He acts like his heart broke from her words as he clutch his chest with both of his hands. "You hurt me Yumi! That was just my way of loving you baby~" he choed. Yumi blushes so bad that Osamu punched him on his shoulder and Suna kicks him under the table.

"Ouch! Geez you people what the hell?" He complained at them but they gave him the you-deserve-it look.

"Tch, whatever let's just go get something to eat. What would you like Takashi?" He asked remembering her name as he was getting ready to go buy them food. Yumi blinks for a couple of second. "I'll have what you're having Miya-senpai." She said.

"What if I bought water for my lunch would you like that too?" He asked. Osamu shook his head and brought his Onigiri out from his bag. He absolutely knew that , that was imposible. After all, he knows his twin and water for lunch? Oh, please.

" It's okay senpai I have chips on my bag." She said confidently. He rolled his eyes and went ahead, Suna following behind him to get his food leaving her and Osamu on the table.

Yumi wasn't a nervous wreck thanks to her Atsumu-senpai's stunts earlier. It really did help her and is somehow grateful for teasing her making her calm her nerves around them. While on the other hand Osamu watch her patiently waits for her food. He feels bad that he was eating already while she waits so he did something really weird that it even scared him a little.

He breaks the onigiri into half giving the larger portion to her, he gently offers her his food with a small smile on his lips.

"Ah! Miya-senpai.." she gasps looking at the onigiri on his hand. "Take it as an apology for my brother." He said. She didn't want him to wait any longer so she gently took it with her soft hands, they're skin touching a little that she didn't notice but Osamu sure as hell did.

"B-But he's already buying me lunch? You'll be hungry senpai.." she said worriedly. His smile widens a little, she was so soft and fragile. The sudden urge to protect her was growing inside him.

"Just take it as a way of me saying I'm happy to meet you Takashi-san. " He said. Yumi smiles back at him and bites on his Onigiri making him feel something that he never felt before.

Osamu took his eyes away from her. She was really pretty, even prettier because she was eating his Onigiri that he personally cooked.

'Goddamin it.'

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