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—It was a good weekend for Yumi. They were supposed to have a Saturday practice but for some reason their coach cancelled it and so here she was, outside her house eating Onigiri with Miya Osamu beside her who doesn't seem to be amused with the other Miya.

"You're so embarrassing I don't want to eat out with you again next time." Osamu said as he stares at him eating like it was the last thing to do.  

"You're so dramatic." Atsumu respond after swallowing his food. Yumi quietly ate enjoying her food, Osamu had treat her. He was bored and decided to go in his favorite restaurant that sells the best Onigiris. He called them so they could hangout, Suna couldn't come for some reason.

"It's good isn't it?" Osamu asked his eyes gazing at her softly. She was really cute, even with just her casual clothes. "Yes! Thank you senpai for this, I really really like it!" She said cheerfully.

"I was worried for a second that you wouldn't like it. " He chuckled a little. Yumi puckered her lips a little. She noticed that Osamu had finished his, she felt bad seeing him not eating his favorite food when he literally just finished.

" Senpai, how much do you love Onigiris?" She ask leaning on her sit looking at him. Osamu simply shrugs his shoulders. "Probably more than Atsumu but yeah, I really really love it. " He answered ignoring Atsumu's curses at him.

Yumi surprisingly took the other half of her food and offered it to Osamu. He looked at her questioningly blinking a few times bewildered as to why she was suddenly giving it to him.

"What's this for?" He asked pointing at the other half of her food. "I honestly.. don't know? I just wanted to give it to you because you said you love it."

"But that's yours?"

"Yeah, it's mine and i'm giving it to you Osamu-senpai." Yumi said with a smile. A chuckle escaped from his lips as he slowly took it from her hand making sure they make skin contact, he did that on purpose.

" Thanks Yumi-chan. " He said staring at the food not wanting to eat it because it was given by Yumi and he wanted to hold it as long as he can. Weird right?

"Anything for you senpai!" She cheerfully said going back to eating not noticing the way Osamu stared at her with a small blush on his face nor the way Atsumu stared at them with a bewildered look on his face.

"You can't say stuff like that idiot.." Osamu muttered pinching her nose lightly. "Ouchie, senpai stop that!"

—"Tell me.. you like her don't you?" Atsumu ask while they were on their way home. Osamu took his eyes off his phone quick and gave his twin a curious look.

"I like who?"

"Yumi-chan. You like her." He stated this time. Osamu's right eyebrow rised. Confuse where this all came from.

"What, so you don't like her? She's so nice and kind." He answered like it was normal. Atsumu sighed and rolled his eyes not satisfied with his answer.

"You know that's not what I mean at all Samu."

"And I don't think I understand what you're trying to point out Tsumu." He argued back.

Atsumu stopped from his tracks and held his twins shoulder. "Osamu I am your twin. I know that you like our dear little Yumi-chan!" He said shaking his twin.

The latter shook his arms of his shoulder glaring at the other Miya. What the hell was he talking about anyway. Yumi-chan was only their little friend. Of course he likes her, everyone should like her. Though that sounds a little no no for him. 

"Bro shut up you're being ridiculous and stupid." He said aiming to smack Atsumu again.

"Fuck your denial ass. I'm just asking you, you know? It's not like I'll take her away from you or something." Atsumu said, annoyed. Nothing's wrong with Osamu having a little feelings for the girl. He knows his twin, he's a good person despite being annoying sometimes. But as much as he love Osamu, he also cares for their dear Yumi-chan.

"How would you even take her away from me when she's not even yours to begin with." He mumbled.

" Yeah, and not yours either.."

"Fuck you, go to hell."

" Ohh, sassy now are we?" Atsumu continued to tease him trying to get as much reaction from him. Osamu raised his middle finger at his twin earning a laugh from the blonde. He can't wait to tell Suna this.

Osamu thought about his twins words later on. They just met. He just met her. How would he like her all of a sudden? Maybe they misinterpret it. Yumi-chan was like a little sister to him, he thinks. Not sure either. Maybe the lack of having female species surrounding him made them all think that he likes the girl because of how he treats her. But who was he kidding, any girl with die just to be with him in any way. But not her, not Yumi.

"Fuck it.." he whispered. Osamu took his phone, went out their shared room and didn't even think twice dialling her number.

The phone rung until he heard a hoarse voice and things shifting from the other line indicating that the person literally was just sleeping until he called. Now he felt stupid and guilty for doing this. Why did he even do it anyway?

"Hi?" The person on the other line spoke. Osamu gulped, not sure how to respond.

"Hey? Hello? Is anyone there?" She asked again. "I'm gonna hung u—"

"Yumi-chan.. hi" he spoke cutting her off. Yumi paused, trying to recognize who the person was on the other line.

"O-samu senpai?" She ask unsure. A smile formed on his lips when he heard his name from her. His heart was beating so fast, he was nervous.

"Hi, did I wake you? Sorry Yumi-chan.."

Yumi chuckles lightly. Osamu swears to God he almost fell from their couch. "It's okay senpai, is there something wrong? What's up? "

Osamu leaned on their couch looking at the ceiling. "Nothing, I couldn't sleep and I thought maybe I could talk to you for a bit. "

A long pause. Osamu got worried thinking she fell asleep. "Yumi—"

"Yeah sorry, I was just moved that you chose to call me senpai." She said. Yumi smiled, her eyes closed as she was just enjoying this little moment between her and Osamu.

"Why is that?"

"Well isn't this what friends do? Call each other when something is bothering them?" She asked, her tone coming out as if an innocent child asking facts from her parents.


" This makes you happy? " He asked. He lets his body fall on the couch a smile on his lips as he listens to her calming voice. Suddenly all his worries vanished in an instant. This was such a good idea.

"Of course senpai!" She answered enthusiasticly. "Then.. should I call you every night?" He ask in a low voice sending shivers to the girl on the other line.

Yumi suddenly gets up from her lying position. "Huh?" All she can respond.

"This makes you happy right?"


"Well I want to make you happy."

"Eh? Really? That's so sweet senpai." She commented.

"So, what do you say?" He asked hopeful.

"Uhm then.. okay?" Yumi catches her breath.


" Yeah.." she exhaled, a small blush appearing on her cheek as she hugs her self. "...call me whenever you like senpai, i'll answer you everytime."

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