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—The late night talks continues for how many days. Their topics were mostly nonsense, it was funny and stupid but they never stopped. Sometimes it's serious and somehow because of Osamu it'll shift to topics about food, deserts and all that. Yumi found it amusing how he loves food so much. He haven't met a person with so much dedication in choosing food.

Like this one for example...

"Nē Yumi-chan? Would you rather have chips for the rest of your life or would you prefer my onigiri? " He ask. Yumi's hand left midair with a chip on it as she was currently eating.

"I am not answering that senpai." She said. Osamu groans on the other line making her smile.
"Are you saying that you're gonna choose those unhealthy crunchy stuff than my very delicious onigiri? I am wounded! " He said faking a gasp. He looked really stupid at the moment but who cares? As long as Atsumu can't see him.

Yumi shook her head a chuckle erupting from her throat making Osamu proud of his not so very funny humor. But atleast he tries.

Other times they would talk about Suna or Atsumu like two girls gossiping around. She didn't expect this from him but oh well, Osamu has always been full of surprises. This boy sometimes doesn't know when to shut up and this only happens when he's with her.

"Did you know that Suna had two girlfriends before?" Osamu said out of nowhere. He heard her gasp from the other line.

"Really? No way you're joking senpai! He wouldn't!" Yumi said clearly not accepting the news. She was so shocked. Really? Her Suna-senpai? The lazy boy who likes sleeping on her shoulder every lunch time?

"No, seriously he did. The first girlfriend was so annoying and I couldn't really blame him for getting himself another one." Osamu shrugs. Yumi frowns.

"Osamu-senpai. Don't tell me you're gonna do that too!" She said in an accusing voice like an angry mother ready to scold her son anytime soon.

"What? Why not? I mean I don't like annoyi--" "Osamu-senpai!" Her high-pitched voice spoke so loud from the other line. He laugh so loud he swore he could hear Atsumu cursing him from his sleep.

"No no I'm kidding! I won't I won't!" He said laughing. Yumi still didn't believe him she pouts as if Osamu could see her pout.

"You don't sound so serious! I swear to Kamisama senpai—!"

" No, I really won't. Yumi-chan seems to hate cheaters so I won't, I promise. " He said in the most reassuring voice he could. Yumi calms down after hearing that but still gave him a short lecture session that night as to why he shouldn't do that.

Safe to say Osamu has gotten used to this, they were even closer in school than before resulting to Atsumu giving him suspicious looks which he doesn't seem to notice because he was too busy with Yumi.

"Senpai, I heard the bakery shop next the convenience store is having a sale. Wanna go check it out sometimes?" Yumi said while they were walking one morning, Suna and Atsumu behind them just quietly observing. Not failing to notice the sudden closeness of the two.

"Hmm? Sure, as long as I get to treat you." Osamu shrugs, Atsumu rolls his eyes and whispers to Suna. "He doesn't treat me ever and I'm his twin. " He complains.

"Ehh? But I have my own money senpai, look!" She said even showing him her pink wallet embedded with different embroidery.

"That's a cute wallet Yumi-chan, so sad you won't be using it for a while when you're with me though." He said smirking at her. She blushes on the spot immediately looking away from him. He laughs at her reaction.

Suna and Atsumu looks at each other for a brief time, confirming their speculation about Osamu's feelings. But decided it's too early for them to meddle.

"Well good for you both but we have plans." Suna says. Atsumu nods his head at them, Osamu's forehead creased.

"What? You guys always has plans, we barely hangout anymore." Osamu complains. Atsumu almost wanted to smack him right there and then and Suna seems to feel the same.

Is he stupid?

This is not my brother.

"I have to prepare a date with someone and Atsumu is gonna help me, right Atsumu?" Suna side glanced at Atsumu. He blinks and looks at him questioningly.

"Someone? Are you cheating again?" Yumi asked in the middle of their conversation. Everyone falls into silence after that and Suna punched Osamu that same day.

Afternoon came and they both left the school leaving the other two. Eyes watched Osamu and Yumi as they walk together side by side. Osamu was smiling more for the past few days with her and Yumi was surprisingly more cheerful.

"Geez my body hurts so bad from practice, you seem fine compared to me senpai!" Yumi whines in the middle of their walk. Osamu laughs quietly and gives her a head pat.

"Well I used to train a lot with Tsumu when we were younger so I kinda got used to it. Want me to carry you?"

Yumi looks at him so fast that her neck ached a little, her eyes wide and brows furrowed. A hint of blush on her cheek. Her hair was in a messy bun some strands of it falling on the side of her face. She was so beautiful, Osamu says in his head.

"S-Senpai! Stop saying things like that!" She said waving her hands infront of her. Osamu raise his right eyebrow at her and smugly looked at her. "And why not? "

"What do you mean why not?" She yelled in a whisper like manner her face leaned a little closer to him. Osamu's hands were inside his pocket, he stopped and so did she. Osamu suddenly leans down. Their nose touching, and her eyes widens even more.

Yumi looks at Osamu's eyes, seeing her reflection in it. His orbs seem to shine brighter these past few days making her wonder as to why. For Yumi, Osamu was a mystery. Yes, he laughs with them, he talks, he smiles but it just seem like there's more into that. She wasn't contented to what she was seeing from him.

"I mean why wouldn't I? You're my favorite person after all, I would do everything for you." He whispers only enough for her to hear. Yumi's heart hammered inside her chest. Her mouth opened in awe and her cheeks even redder than the cherry.

Her eyes following his every move as he leans a little closer to her. Osamu didn't know where the sudden confidence came from but well fuck it, he was gonna take his chance.

"Hey Yumi? What do you think about falling inlove?" He asks with a dashing smile on his lips.

Her mind was floating somewhere in the world. She didn't know what to do and how to react. What was happening? Who was she? Where was she? Is this even real?

"Falling inlove?" She whispers, eyes still staring at his eyes full of different emotions. Osamu nods, his hands finding its way to her chin lifting it up a little.

The wind gently blew around them, the scene was too romantic she couldn't but still wanted it either way. Why? Weren't he supposed to be only a really good friend?

"Falling inlove.... yeah I think I'd like that senpai.. " she whispered still in daze and Osamu smirks satisfied with her answer.

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