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—The next day, Yumi asked herself if she would rather escape every afternoon to go home and not attend her afternoon practice for her to enjoy rest after a long day of lessons and notes or would she rather accept the fact that she belongs in a club and attend for her sake ? Though I don't think our dear Yumi here got any other choice as she was being cornered.. in the bathroom.. by none other than her captain Yani along with their setter Ryko who are currently glaring at her so bad that she almost want to pee again.

"A-Ano, s-sorry I, me, I class, note--" Yumi blabbers trying to escape them but Ryko pulls Yumi's cheek to shut her up.

"S-Senpai!" She shrieked, whining because of the pain. "Don't senpai me you lazy little shit! Where have you been and why were you not attending practice??" Ryko ask in a more aggressive tone pulling her cheek a little harder.

" Waah! I'm sorry, i'm sorry!" She said almost in a high pitch voice before finally Ryko lets go of her feeling a little guilty for hurting their sweet little bundle of light.

Their captain, Yani flick her forehead making her pout as she rubs her abused cheek. Yumi did really feel guilty for ditching their practice since Spring Inter high is nearing. It's not that she's confident with her self, of course she has her own reasons and we hell knew what it was and it's really embarrassing to tell her senpais.

"Well? Anything you have to say?" Yani asked her crossing her arms on the process as both the third years look down on her because of the height gap. Yumi pouts, "I'm really sorry for ditching practice. I have my own reasons... pleasedon'tkickmeout!" She panickly said the last phrase as she takes a ninety degrees bow infront of them.

The two briefly looks at each other and sighs. Already used to her attitude. This shy little girl was very sensitive and timid outside the court and they knew that. She dislikes attention, doesn't want to be involved very much and is very satisfied being set aside but inside the court that's a whole lot different. It's like a switch of another Takashi Yumi. She was more aggressive and confident. Fiercer, stronger and braver. Her skills as the teams' libero is no joke.

She was fast and very consistent to keep up with the ball. Almost look like she only moves out of instinct but she doesn't. All her movements inside the court are all well calculated and neat. She was always there to back them up whenever it gets a little rough. She was their game changer.

"You're so stupid sometimes Yumi-chan. Fine. We won't kick you out, but you have to promise NOT to ditch practice again, understand! Did you not know how worried we are with you only to see that you're very well doing fine in your classes? I thought you were sick and you weren't answering our calls and texts I was so worried I thought you abandoned us!" Ryko scolds her. Yumi puts her head down out of shame muttering an apology heard by the two of them.

Yani calmly shush Ryko who oblige seeing their little kouhai obviously regretting what she did. This wasn't a first time she disappeared like this so they kinda got used to it eventually. Besides, they can't just give her up, she's a very reliable teammate in all circumstances.

Yani swung her arms around the smaller girl's shoulder and pulled her a little closer. "Hey, heads up now little libero. We're going to practice with the boys volleyball team this time so we need you at your best okay?" Yumi's ear pearked up with sudden news.

She didn't even notice they were near the clubroom since she was so busy thinking how the practice is gonna go after knowing that she'll be practicing with her new 'friends'.

  —Everyone aside from Yani and Yumi were already on the gym. The boys and the girls volleyball team, Suna and Osamu patiently looking for their little friend while Atsumu bashfully went ahead and ask.

"Hey, are you guys not complete yet?" He ask. Ryko answered on behalf of her team since they were busy ogling at the boys. It was straight up embarrassing.

"We're just waiting for our captain and libero they're.. well here they come.." she answered her eyes went to face the entrance revealing their red head captain and Yumi who's struggling with her hair as she ties it in a ponytail.

" Woah.." Atsumu gasps, Osamu gulps as he sees her in her jersey. She looked less cuter and a little.. sexier. 'What the fuck Osamu is that even appropriate to say?'  "Oh? So she really does play.." Suna comments as he stood beside Samu.

They immediately knew she was the teams libero because of her indifferent uniform. Osamu looked around just to see how her teammates looked at her either with admiration or  excitement. This was the kind of influence she has to her teammates, so different as to how she is when she's outside the court.

Osamu stares at the girl a little longer totally forgetting his warm up exercises. Suna notice this, he follows his eyes and saw they were glued to Yumi. The boy shook his head and gave his friend a tap on the back waking him up from his daydreaming.

"Osamu you better stop stretching or coach is gonna stretch you himself." He said.

"Y-Yeah, right sorry."

—the loud sound of whistle and shoes screeching on the court was heard. They were watching the girls volleyball team play at the moment, the team being divided into two. Both are good, Osamu can say but Yumi.. as he watch her move gracefully inside the court he knew that this girl literally is their angel. Always quick to save the ball wherever, whenever. The other team may be good with offense but their lack of defense is an easy win for Yumi's group. Her eyes just watching ball calculating every movement possible, her eyes looking around predicting her teammates and opponents movement. Her receives are flawless and she sets for her teammates with no issue.

It was like seeing another version of Yumi. More confident and more powerful version of Yumi. Even Suna was amazed as he watch her play so swift and clean. No problem filling the gaps of her teammates as she saves the ball everytime.

"Damn it, why won't it drop!" One of their opponents muttered. Yumi smirked a little waving her hand at the girl who complained making the other team groan.

Ryko, who's on the same team as Yumi proudly smirks as she gives the girl a side glance. "Well what do you expect? We have the angel on our side." She said to them as their opponent desperately tried running after the falling ball but to no avail as it drops giving Yumi's team the victory.  

"Damn, an angel indeed. Right Samu?" The blond ask nudging his brother as they watch how they cheer for Yumi who was laughing with her teammates.

Osamu smiles crossing his arms on his chest. He locks eyes with the girl and she gives him a bright smile even brighter than the sun could ever be.

"Yeah, an angel indeed."

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