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—All day, Yumi was hmm, how'd you call this.. speechless? Nothing was processing in her head. Did that really happen? Questions like that dwell inside her pretty little brain. Well of course it did, it was just really hard to believe for her.

"Ms. Takashi Yumi! If you're going to stare at me atleast lend me your ears too." Her teacher yelled making her jump on her seat. Even her pen fell from her hand because of that.

She abruptly stood up from her sit, creating an unlikable screeching sound making everyone groan. Her face redden even more feeling embarrass for herself. 'Geez, why is this happening to me?'

" I-I'm sorry miss!" She said and bowed for like how many times this day. The teacher sighed massaging her temple on the process. She really didn't like the attention she was getting from everyone in the class. She could just hope that lunch comes by any moment now so she can freely scold herself for being so stupid.

"I don't know what's up with you but you're clearly not in the right mind to attend my class right now. You can take your leave and think. " The teacher said in calmest yet kindest tone she can mutter as of the moment.

Yumi nods her head fast, gathered her things making another pen fall which she clumsily pick. Everyone was watching her every move, Yumi threw her stuff inside her already messy bag before walking as fast as she can almost stumbling on her feet she gave her final bow to her teacher before finally disappearing in the class. The teacher shook her head. Yumi was one of her best students in her class, it's the least she can do for her after all.

Yumi on the other hand wasted no time and went to the cafeteria, she sat on the first table she could find without really looking around her. When she finally settled everything down she lets her head fall on the table and groaned loudly. Not even noticing the stare that is coming from a certain blonde who was quietly doing his stuff.

"That was so stupid.." she muttered to herself. She stopped herself from hitting her head. If the event earlier this morning didn't happen then maybe--

Someone knocked on her table making Yumi look up groaning clearly irritated to whoever that was disturbing her when saw Atsumu Miya with a questioning look on his face.

She hurriedly leaned on her sit. Face once again reddening because of the closeness of their faces when she faced him.

'Oh my goodness, I am going to hyperventilate!!! This is such a bad day, kamisama why do you do this?!'

" I'm sorry I'm sorry.." she shrieked out. But Atsumu waves his hand no a little buffled with all her reaction after seeing him.

" You look like shit, no offense." He commented. She bows her head and tried to think of words she could say to him without getting herself in trouble.

Atsumu was so amused with this woman that he leans closer to her so he can look at her better. He tapped her head making her look up, taking a peek on his face. A smug smile was shown making her gulp a little.

"Yow, I'm not gonna bite you kid. You can calm down now. " He said letting a small chuckle. Yumi nods her head. "I'm really sorry sir-- I-I mean.." once again she stumbled with her words.

"Sir? You do know I'm a student here too right?" He asked, smile never wavering on his lips. She mentally smack herself.

"I-I know I'm sorry.. it's just you're making me so nervous senpai.." she said, very honest, fingers fiddling on her lap. Atsumu tilts his head, eyes looking at her cute pout.

"I do? I mean, this is me who wouldn't be nervous around me." He said clearly bragging. But what shocked him a little was when she nods her head totally agreeing. She's too honest for her own good, he said to himself.

"You're really popular and all and I feel like i'm intruding i'm so sorry senpai. " She blabbered.

"I'm popular? That's why you're scared of me? " She nods her head again as an answer.

'That's so stupid, why would she be scared of popular people? '

"sorry for acting like a psychopath senpai, i'll leave now.." she said and was gonna stood up when Atsumu pulled her bag making her sit once again.

"Why don't I help you with your phobia with popular people, sit with me I'll treat you lunch. " He said. Yumi furiously shakes her head no while trying to pull her bag from Atsumu who's clearly winning the game.

If you were walking by you would probably laugh at the situation Yumi was in because it is really weird in the eye, and she absolutely look ridiculous at the moment.

" No no no, i-it's not a phobia! And senpai no I don't want to, please let go of my bag we're gonna destroy it." She pleads.

He laughs and pulls it even more stronger. Despite her struggle with him she was still very polite that Atsumu was so amused.
'That is so fucking adorable.'

"If it's not a phobia then why are you so scared of me? I'm not gonna hurt you I just want to treat you food, and stop pulling it or you're the one who's gonna destroy it." He said and Yumi entirely gave up, she stomped her feet under the table and Atsumu was very aware of that.

" It's just people might misinterpret stuff. All I want is to live a very peaceful life with my notes and books senpai.." she said, a little frown on her lips.

Atsumu took her bag from her and put it beside him so she could not escape him. She cursed mentally. 'What is Miya-senpai even doing!'

"So what about people thinking stuff? It's just lunch and I find you adorable with all this and that, are you suggesting I should make you my girlfriend first so that I could treat you--"

"I don't want to be anyone's girlfriend senpai, please refrain from saying such things." She cuts him off. Atsumu laughed at her making her frown even more.

" Geez I could pinch you right now, you know that?" He said chuckling at her. She rest her face on her hand. "Please don't. " she muttered.

Atsumu Miya has now took a liking to the little cutie infront of him so letting her leave just like that is a no no for him. He has never met a timid girl like her, it's so refreshing to meet girls who won't fawn over you.

"Please let me leave?" She asked.

"Not until you let me treat you lunch and have your number." He said smirking at her. An irked mark appeared on her head but sighed eventually.

"I don't have a phone."

"Now you're just lying to my face." Atsumu said with a bored yet amused expression.

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