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—Miya Osamu wasn't the brightest, and he knew that. He was just chill, but can be as loud as his brother. Pretty hyper at times but can be lazy in other days. That's just him. His love for volleyball is one of his happiness. He got the looks, the skills, the charm.. anyone would want him. He wasn't like Atsumu who'd change girlfriends everytime he gets bored. Not like Suna who'd have multiple girlfriend in one go. Osamu chooses wise in that department because he takes it seriously. Fortunately for him, Takashi Yumi the bubbly and innocent libero of Inarizaki Volleyball Club exists and gave him the light he needed just enough for him to survive his dark days.

"Samu? Love how are you?" She ask opening the door, she peeks her head and Osamu gave Yumi a genuine smile making her heart skip a beat.

She enters the room, still in her volleyball uniform. Yumi is now in her third year and Osamu graduated highschool last year and is now in college, Yumi decided to continue her volleyball career. She was invited in the All-Japan Youth Camp for three consecutive years.

"There's my champion, hi baby.." Osamu greets. He caught a cold one day and now here he was, in bed, head aching, body weak, eyes tired overall a mess. Yumi frowns and walks immediately to him and sighed when his temperature dropped.

"How are you feeling love?" She asked in a sweet tone. Osamu nuzzles on her hand, giving it light kisses from time to time while Yumi tried not to blush.

"I'm fine now, I think. I'll be better tomorrow I promise.." he answers. Yumi nod and eventually sighs, she leans down and gave her boyfriend a kiss on the forehead Osamu closes his eyes for a short moment to feel her kiss and warmth.

"I'll go change, make dinner then I'll rest with you okay?" Yumi says smiling warmly at her boyfriend. He nods, feeling guilty that she has to take care of him when it should be the other way around because she just came home from practice and is probably tired.

He made a mental note to make it up to her when he gets better. The two move in together eventually, Atsumu made a scene when they did claiming that they should've took him with them earning a smack from their mother. Suna was happy for them, seeing Yumi at her happiest was enough for Suna to let go of the feelings he had for her. But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt, he had to drag Atsumu after school to drink with him.

The two didn't have a perfect relationship, because there's no such thing. From time to time they would have arguments, and fights but at the end of the day there's always one that would apologize first. Patience. Love. Two words that made their relationship stronger. Osamu is so afraid of losing her that he'll willingly do everything for her, and Yumi is still Yumi at the end of the day. Sometimes dense, but more times a cutie.

"Boo! What are you thinking? Dinner's ready Samu." Osamu snaps from his imagination and saw Yumi infront of her with a tray of food. He chuckled and gave her room to sit on the bed.

Osamu couldn't be more thankful having a girlfriend like her, hopefully his wife too but we'll see how it'll go. After all, life is unpredictable but that doesn't mean he's gonna give her up. No, never.

"Is it good?" She ask sitting beside him, her head leaning on his shoulder as she tries to find a good movie to watch.

Osamu hums. "Best meal ever baby.." he answers making Yumi chuckles. "Yeah? But no one beats your cooking Samu." She retorts and Osamu laughs a little.

"Well, if you say it like that then I can't help but to agree." He said smirking. Yumi playfully rolls her eyes at him.

"How's your day?" Osamu asks after eating his food. He pulls her in between his thighs and hugs her waist, his nose on her neck smelling her addictive scent. For some reason he can't find himself getting sick of this. Every small interaction with her still excites him. His heart still beats for her, never fails everyday.

"Exhausting. The nationals is coming soon so it can't be help.." she answers, leaning her body on his chest. This position, this is where she recharge her energy and Osamu knows that.

"Hey Yumi.." he suddenly says out of nowhere. She turns her head to look at him. Osamu caress her cheek, she was always so beautiful. It irked him sometimes, anyone would want this beauty.

"What do you say about getting married with me?" He asked, a smile on his lips. Yumi blinks once, twice, thrice—

She suddenly face his body eyes wide looking at him with a shock expression. Osamu raises his hands, she watch it and saw a diamond ring in his pinky. Yumi suddenly starts tearing up.

"What the hell Osamu!" She shouts covering her mouth to stop her sobs. Her heart was so hysterical, she was so happy she couldn't contain it anymore.

Osamu chuckles and pulls her closer to him, desperate to feel her once again. Everyday life with Yumi is all Osamu wants. She completes him, gives him life, happiness, comfort and purpose. He needs her.

"Takashi Yumi, I know this isn't the best setting to do this. But I can't wait anymore. I want to have you all by myself so bad already. I'm a little selfish, specially when it comes to you.. this may not be the grandest proposal but I'll make it up to you. I'll make you even happier when we get married, I'll spoil you, I'll give you my everything that still didn't change. So please Yumi-chan.. " Osamu slides off the bed and kneels down a ring in his hands.

" Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! " Yumi sobs trying not to hit her lover because he was sick.

Yumi tries to stop her tears. She wipes her face and nods, Osamu almost teared up when she did. Yumi held his hand and look straight in his eyes.

"Osamu-san. I have lots to learn so I can be a great lover like you, but I'll try my very best to make you the happiest too. I'll always be beside you and you can always count on me whatever happens. I love you. I can't even tell you how much but I really do. Marry me, I'll be your wife.. " Osamu puts the ring on her finger and pulls Yumi down on him hugging her.

"I love you Yumi, I love you so much.. " he whispers in her ear..

.. the end

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