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—A week had pass after that day and Yumi did all her best to avoid the three. Yumi knew she shouldn't do such since they were really nice to her including Atsumu even though he was such a 'dick' according to Suna. But it can't be helped too since rumors started to circulate around the campus. She even stopped attending her club activities because of this. Afraid to have the slightest interaction with other people.

Unfortunately for Yumi, they wouldn't stop pestering her. I mean the three second years who are once again dragging her to an empty classroom so they could eat lunch. This is like the second time this week and it's only Tuesday. Fucking, Tuesday.

"Suna-senpai please let me go.." she whined dragging her words as she was also dragged by the cat-eyed volleyball player who doesn't seem to listen to her pleads. Atsumu casually pinch her cheek once and proceeded talking to Suna totally ignoring her. Even Osamu who was her personal favorite amongst the three didn't budge with her request.

When she saw the familiar room as yesterday she tried even harder to take Suna's hands off her wrist but no avail. He was tons stronger than her I mean just look at those damn arms!

"Yay! What did you brought for lunch today Takashi-san?" Atsumu said after they enter the room. Yumi sat down defeated, muttering words they probably mistaken as chants. She took her bento out along with three bags of chips.

"Wow, you're gonna eat all that?" Suna ask eyes slightly widen. He sat infront of Yumi while Osamu sat beside her taking his Onigiri out. Atsumu sat beside Suna. As much as she disliked all the commotion happening outside because of them, she still admire her three senpai who were very persistent to letting her join their lunch.

Yumi simply shook her head as an answer. "One for you Miya-senpai, one for Suna-senpai and to the other.. Miya-senpai." Her last words accompanied with a frown. Atsumu dramatically gasps but still took the chips.

"Takashi-san even though you're very mean sometimes, please marry me." Atsumu muttered. Yumi politely declined him with a hard 'no thank you' before proceeding to open her bento.

"Thank you Takashi-san, that's really thoughtful for someone who's forced to eat with us." Suna said with a teasing smile. Yumi blushed and shook her head at him. "I kinda know something like this is gonna happen again and I really appreciate it so it's the least I could do senpai." Yumi says making them aww internally. She was just so precious fuck it.

" You're so kind, I'm scared Atsumu might accidentally do something stupid to you. Tell me and I'll kill him for you Takashi-san. " Osamu said seriously at her. Yumi chuckles with this, it was probably the first time they heard her laugh. It was so gentle, so nice in the ears.

" Please don't murder the other Miya-senpai.. not worth it. " She said playfully. Atsumu glares at the two of them while Suna laughs at this.

" Oh my goodness! It's always the other Miya-senpai! " Suna says  still laughing and pointing at Atsumu who stops himself from slapping the chips on his face.

" Shut up Rintarou! And you.. stop calling me the other Miya! What am I, an extra?"

" Should I call you blonde senpai then? " Yumi ask curiously. Atsumu looked like he was so done with her, good thing she gave them all chips or else he might've just pulled her cheeks again." Just call me Atsumu! And call that plain shit Osamu his name! " He half shouted.

Yumi tilts her head a bit, first name basis? This early? She asks inside her head. " Eh? Are you okay with that senpai? But that sounds so rude.. " she said mumbling to herself.

" How the fuck is that even rude?" Atsumu asked. Suna smack the back of his head and glared at him." Language you prick! " He scolds him.

" You literally called me a dick when we guys first met! What are you my mother? "

" As if I'd have a son like you, you sick fuck--"

Osamu took her attention by casually pushing her face to face him with his index finger as the bickering between the two did not stop. Seriously, he could just smack them both.

"If you feel uncomfortable about calling us with our first name, will it make you feel better when we call you Yumi then?" He suggested. Yumi blinks at him. "It's okay with me but calling you guys--"

"Then it's settled.." he cuts her off with a wide smile. "...we'll call you Yumi-chan and you can call us whatever you like." He said. The way her name rolls over his tongue felt so right for Osamu. It was like she was getting closer to him, I mean to all of them.

"O-Okay.. uhm.. O-Osamu-senpai." She say making his heart flutter a little. Osamu bites his lower lip, his grip around his onigiri tightens a little feeling giddy by hearing his name with Yumi.

"Oi, call me Rintarou-senpai too." Suna says joining there conversation. "What? No, me first I literally just met her first dumbass."

"Go screw yourself other Miya." Suna said to him starting another round of bickering session between them. Yumi and Osamu instinctively face each other before chuckling to themselves as they watch the two insult each other. Occasional times Osamu would join Suna roast Atsumu.

It was amusing watching them like this. Yumi felt happy. She didn't have many friends in school, but seeing the sight infront of her it was so satisfying. It was like a new book filled with different kinds of unexpected plots but it's better than that. So much better.

"Atsumu you look like pee!"

"What the fuck i'll stab you!"


"So what's your plans after school?" Osamu asks her as they were on their way to their class. 10 mins before the bell rings indicating the start of 1st period and here they are taking the longer route back.

" Osamu it's only Tuesday, and we have practice later. " Atsumu says. His twin rolls his eyes at him. "Oh, I have club activities later so I really can't.. sorry senpai." Yumi says with an apologetic smile on her face. She really did have club activities, Yumi didn't attend for a couple of days and they were flooding her phone with text messages it was so stressful purposely ignoring them. She can even feel the glares of her teammates despite not seeing them around. Weird.

"I didn't know you have one, I always see you going straight home after school." Suna commented sipping on his soda casually. Yumi looks up to him  because of their height difference before looking back at her feet, quietly amused he even knows such small detail about her.

"Ew Suna you stalker." Atsumu said earning a glare from the other boy. "Shut up piss hair."

"So what club are you in?" Osamu asked ignoring the two. Yumi casually answers making them all snap their attention back to her. "I'm in the girls volleyball team." She said with a proud smile on her lips as she continues walking not seeing that they were all frozen on spot.

"You play volleyball? Really?" Atsumu asked in daze suddenly seeing her in another perspective. She just keeps getting more interesting everyday.

Yumi nods her head with a questioning expression on her face. "Why? Do I not look qualified to play? I mean i know i'm small and weak and--" Osamu shakes his head furiously stopping her mumbling.

"No, no! It's just really, really shocking. I'm sure you're very qualified to play since you're part of the team." He said instantly washing all the negative thoughts in her head.

Her smile went back, Yumi shrugs her shoulders at them. "I love volleyball, I love it better than reading books!" The sun from the window brightening up her surrounding as a few strands of her hair were blown by the wind making her look so majestic infront of them.

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