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"Distance? I don't think I can even if you beg for it Yumi. " He whispered as he slowly let go of her lips. Yumi was still in daze, her eyes went to look up to his who was staring at her warmly. Time seems to stop and all they can think about that moment was them.

"Senpai.." she whispers, it was like a chant actually. Osamu smiles and peck her lips once again this time making her blush. She gasps and looks at him with  furrowed brows. "Y-You can't kiss me like that!" She whispers at him.

"And why not? I love you, what's so wrong about that?" He asked, tilting his head, a smug grin in his lips. Yumi tried to push him away but he tightened his arms on her waist not letting her escape. Never again, Osamu says in his mind.

"Osamu-senpai stop playing with me this isn't funny." Yumi weakly punch his chest. ".. this isn't funny. " Her lips trembled, a frown now seen on her lips.

Osamu's other hand wipes her cheek, he leaned closer to her face his forehead resting on hers as he looks directly to her eyes. It was so sad, but hopeful at the same time. Goodness, he was so prepare to do everything she'd ask him right at that moment. She looked vulnerable and fragile that he just wanted to wrap her with his arms for the rest of their lives.

"Yumi you know I won't run all the way here if all I'm gonna do is lie to you. " He muttered. He plants a kiss on her nose making her pout. "Then why did you say that.. you'd let them date me? That's so unfair.." she whispers, getting upset as she recalls his past words. Osamu notices this and pulled her even closer to his body. The coldness of the night instantly disappeared as they shared the warmth of each other.

"I'm sorry, I said that because Atsumu was pushing me and I was so stressed. I thought you were mad at me I couldn't see you and—" Yumi cuts him off instantly with a hug. She stopped resisting and embraced him. Some of it was her fault she knew that that's why she couldn't hear anymore.

Osamu melts with that. He hugs her back, he buried his face on her shoulder inhaling her sweet honey scent. Oh gosh it was so perfect. His hug was so tight. He regrets what he did and she could feel that through his actions.

"Senpai d-don't say that again okay?" She said, her face on his shirt. Her hands grips the coat. "I don't want anyone else, I want you.. only you. Sorry if that sounds selfish.. and I'm sorry for everything.."

Osamu lets go of the hug and look at her face. Both his hands cupping her face, he looks at her so tender that it almost made her cry.

"I know Yumi, baby I won't let them even if they try. You're stuck with me for life yeah? And stop apologizing you did nothing wrong. " He says with a playful grin on his lips. She chuckles and nods her head. " That doesn't so bad at all.. "

" Of course it doesn't. I'll make sure you're the happiest when you're with me, I'll give you my everything I'll do anything for you Yumi. I love you so much I'd even give up all my food for you." Yumi laughs at that, she rest her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat that was fast as hers.

" Senpai I love you too.. i really do. " She whispers. Osamu nods even if she couldn't see. He was so content with their position right now. But he can't let her stay here or else she might catch a cold.

" Hey Yumi? "

" Hmm? "

" How about we have our first date right now?" He asked her. She gave him a questioning look. "But it's already night and.. "

"How does movie date sounds to you? " He continues and Yumi cheerfully jump a little and nod enthusiastically with his idea. He chuckled at her reaction and literally just carried her back to her house.

" So are we going out now? " She asked shyly. Osamu hums at her, he locks the gate behind him before facing her blushing face. "I won't let you say no either way." He answered making Yumi shook her head playfully at him.

They spent the night together watching nonsense shows from tv, Osamu even cooked for them. It was amazing how he comfortably handle the kitchen like some kind of an expert chef. It was a sight to see. The two ended up sleeping peacefully on her couch. Yumi lied above Osamu who watches her sleep, somehow he woke up and found himself staring at her.

"My pretty little lady, so perfect and all mine.." he whispers caressing her hair softly to not wake her up from her slumber.

His eyes drifted to his phone, last night was probably the best moment of his life at the moment that he forgot about informing his family his whereabouts. He opened it and he was right, miscalls from his mother and father.. even Atsumu called once and sent a text once.

He opened the text that said...

From: Other Miya

    I swear to God if you died I'm marrying Yumi-chan above your grave and I won't feel sorry about it. Idiot.

He chuckled at that and decided to reply to atleast make them know that he was alive, he could deal with his mother tomorrow right now he just wants to enjoy his moment with Yumi.

To: Other Miya

     Unfortunately for you I'm fucking alive and still kicking. And by the fucking way i am marrying Yumi shut the fuck up piss head.

He hits the send button and put his phone down on the coffee table to embrace Yumi better when it suddenly lits up once again indicating that someone just sent him a message which he figured was Atsumu. Despite being angry with each other he was still worried at him, he couldn't admit it out loud but Atsumu is really a cool brother. Don't tell anyone he said that though.

From: Other Miya

     Good for you then. Don't mess this up Osamu. Suna and I won't be thinking twice of getting her, specially Rintarou look out for him shithead and goodnight.

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