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—Safe to say Yumi couldn't sleep for the past few days after that. It was scary. She would randomly stare at nothingness and smile. Other times Yumi would blush just remembering that moment making her screech like a banshee on her pillow. Worst things were the tingling sensations on her stomach and her rapid heartbeats everytime she hears him, sees him or if she simply thinks about him. It was so stressful she didn't know what else to do...

"Pst! Senpai, senpai!" She whispered, hiding behind a tree her eyes looking at Suna Rintarou who was staring at her like she was a total lunatic.

"Yumi-chan? What are you doing? Osamu has been looking for you—"

"Shh!" She silence him looking around if there was any sign of the said boy. She sighs, Yumi gestures for him to approach her and when he was finally near her she grabs him. Suna landed infront of her with a buffled expression on his face.

"Yumi, what is happening?" He asked worried at her. He swears to God if someone is trying to do something to her he would—

"Rin-senpai.." she whines, Yumi's frowns were deep this time it wasn't cute, she was really upset and sad. Her eyes were easily read by him. Once he sees tears in her eyes he promise to destroy anyone that has caused her this. No exemptions.

"I have a problem senpai.. " she mumbles under her breath. Suna sits properly infront of her as if silently telling her that he's all ears. "It's about.. Samu-senpai." She finishes.

Suna's rage were washed away instantly. Okay so maybe there is an exemption. But he needs to know the reason first.

"Did he do something?" He curiously ask knowing fully what the answer is. He would never hurt this adorable lady infront of him.

"Well he always does something.." she answers. His eyebrows furrowed not totally sure how to react. "What? What do you mean? Is he hurting you? Did he do something bad?"

"What? No no senpai, he would never!" She hurriedly denies making him calm his breath. For a second there he thought he was gonna punch him again.

"It's just.. Osamu senpai does something to me and It's not good for my body.." she whines. She hugs her knees close to her body, Suna makes sure nobody sees her cycling under her skirt by shielding her with his body.

"Please elaborate Yumi-chan." He sighs, already stressed despite not knowing what her answer yet—

"I think he gave my heart a disease and my stomach does something really uncomfortable everytime he's there."

Huh? "Huh?"

Yumi nods her head. "It really does, and my face gets hot too I forgot that part. It makes me sad because I don't want to avoid him forever, he's a really good friend and a very important person in my life. " She sadly muttered.

Those words were enough for Suna. He knows he and Atsumu needs to do something about these two or else there will be no progress. Osamu seems to be stupid in this department too. It was stressful, but he ain't complaining either way.

"Okay? So what do you want to do now? You know this isn't Osamu's fault, no?" He asks her and she answers with a nod. She takes a deep breath and slowly exhales trying to calm her nerves and her heart.

"It's just so hard senpai, I'm making it all weird aren't I? With all this freaky feelings and thoughts. I'm so mean.." she said feeling really guilty for it when she clearly shouldn't.

Yumi plants her face on her knees feeling so bad her heart clenching a little when she thinks about losing Osamu. Suna place his hand on her head ruffling her hair. He didn't want to say it. She should discover it herself, it's her feelings and only she can sort that one. What he and Atsumu can only do is give them both a small push.

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