I Never Want to Lose You

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I stood in the front of Upper San Diego High School... a tall, brick building that looked more like a boarding school than a public school. I've been attending this place for about 2 months now. I'd recently began having mental breakdowns and had been diagnosed with depression. I took pills for it. I slapped the pills in my mouth and swallowed before I walked through the doors of this hell hole.

I had still not managed to make a single new friend. But there was this one guy who interested me. His name was Vic. Victor Fuentes I think. He was a senior and I only knew him because he had an anxiety disorder and we went to the same group therapy session that met twice a week. He was Mexican, he had short hair which was parted down the middle, and gorgeous brown eyes. He sat alone at lunch just like I did. I supposed his anxiety was the cause of that.

I had resolved that today would be the day I would talk to him. There was no point of us both being friendless and lonely, was there? I got my tray from the lunch line and walked over to where he was sitting.  

"Hey. Can I sit here?", I asked shyly.

He briefly looked at me and said, "Hi. Sure".

"Thanks", I said. There was this long awkward silence until I spoke up.

"So you're Vic, right?", I asked.

"Yeah. How did you know?", he asked without looking up at me.

"I'm in your therapy group session. You probably never noticed me but....", I began.

"Oh yeah. I have noticed you. Just didn't think you noticed me. You're Kayden aren't you?", he asked. I smiled a bit.

"Yeah. Kayden Mason", I replied. "But you could call me Kay for short", I replied.

"Nice", he answered.

From that moment on, we were inseparable. He told me everything about him and I told him everything about me and my family. I got along really well with his brother Mike, as well as his mom and dad. He played guitar, so I began going over his house quite often, allowing him to teach me a few lessons.

I also discovered that he could sing. He had a beautiful, angelic voice. Once, we were sitting in the basement side by side playing a song together and when we were done, he leaned in and kissed me. It took me by surprise and he pulled away quickly and acted as if he didn't mean to, but I knew that he did. I pulled him closer to me and crashed my lips with his again. Since then, we've been history.


That was 12 years ago and Vic and I are still together and we're stronger than ever. Vic has completely gotten through his anxiety disorder and he has helped me with my depression. It's not nearly as bad as it used to be. He is the lead singer of an awesome post-hardcore band called Pierce The Veil and I'm the band's general and tour manager. Kellin and I are still best friends. We talk everyday and we're still as close as ever. We were currently on Warped tour, so I got the chance to hang out with both of my favorite boys everyday.

I also have a little girl. She's 3 years old and she's absolutely amazing. Her name is Calvary Quinn Bostwick. Yes, she's Kellin's child. I know what you're thinking. 'How has she been with Vic for 12 years but has a 3 year old by her best friend?' Well let me answer that for you.

Three years ago, Vic and I got into a fight. A really bad one and I told Vic that we were done. Kellin invited me to stay with him for a few weeks, so I agreed. I needed to be away from Vic for a while and my best friend had volunteered to take me in. And it just so happened, that Kellin and his girlfriend Katelynne were going through a rough patch, too.

A Vic Fuentes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now