I Still Think You're Beautiful

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Kay's POV

"The twins are healthy. Vance weighs 5 lbs 4 ounces and Valley weighs 5 lbs. That's really great considering that they were 3 months premature. But it's you that I'm worried about Mrs. Fuentes", the doctor said to me.

"W-what do you mean? What's wrong with me?", I asked nervously.

"It's just.. You don't live here in Florida Mrs. Fuentes, so it's not easy to access your records. But tell me, do you or have you ever had an eating disorder?"

"Ummm. n-no. I h-haven't", I said as I fumbled with my hands.

"Don't lie to me", he said as he removed the glasses from his face.

I let out a loud sigh. "Doc, yes.. I've had anorexia in the past and I have it now. But can we not discuss that? I just want to celebrate the arrival of my kids", I pleaded with the doctor.

"You're a very beautiful young lady, but this disorder of yours is making you really unhealthy."

"What's unhealthy?", Vic asked as he entered the room. He had just come back from the care nursery where they were examining the twins.

"Your wife's eating disorder", the doc replied.

"Oh yeah. I know", he said. "She's working through it the best way that she can and I'm doing everything possible to help her", he said as he stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Mmm hmm. Well, I'm not your official doctor, so I don't have the authority to do much. I just want to encourage you to get your weight up and get healthy again. From my understanding, you have 3 children now. You're going to need the energy and the health to keep up with everything", he said to me.

"I know. I'm going to get better. I promise", I gave him a fake smile.

"That a girl. Well, you and the twins can stay here overnight and in the morning, if all is good, you'll be released to go home", he said as he turned to leave.

"Thanks Dr. Watts. You've been a huge help", Vic said as he walked him to the door.

"You're welcome. You be sure to take care of that family of yours, Mr. Fuentes", he gave Vic a firm hand shake.

"Oh, I will. No worries", he assured the doctor. He left and Jaime, Tony, and Mike rushed in the room.

"We saw them!! We saw them through the nursery window", Jaime sang.

"They're adorable sis. I'm so glad that all 3 of you are well and healthy", Tony said as he gave me a hug and sat at the edge of my bed.

"Thanks Turtle", I hugged him back.

"Those babies look pretty sharp. That's those strong Mexican genes at work in those kids", Mike said after hugging me and giving Vic a firm pat on the back. "Congratulations guys", he smiled.

"Thanks bro", Vic said. "Where's Cal? She hasn't met her sister and brother yet".

"Oh. She's with Kellin. She wanted to come see you guys but Kellin told her that you needed your rest and that he'd bring her back later", Jaime explained.

"Well, I do need my rest guys. So ya'll ain't gotta go home, obviously because we're hundreds of miles away from home, but you gotta get the heck out of here", I said with  a grin. Yeah, I know. That was pretty lame. But I did need my rest.

"K sis. We just wanted to come and see you guys and congratulate you. I'm proud of you for being so strong through all of this, too", Mike said as he wrapped me in his arms.

"Thanks again bro. I love you guys", I said.

"We love you too!", they all called back. They all exited the room, which left Vic and I. 

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