Vacay Plans

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(A/N: I'm skipping a few months ahead you guys! There's no way I'd continually write chapters for all of Kay's months of pregnancy. Besides, I'm about ready for drama to start unfolding at some point ;))

*3 and 1/2 MONTHS LATER*

Vic's POV

"Kayden! Come on! Stop being stubborn! You're hurting not only yourself, but you're hurting our daughter too!", I yelled at my wife, Kayden, who was refusing to eat the dinner I cooked.

"I'm not hungry Vic!" she yelled back at me. She was lying... again. And she knew that I knew the truth... we all did. Kayden had developed the same eating disorder that she used to have back when she was younger. Before she got pregnant, she was a healthy 115 pounds, and when you're pregnant, you're supposed to gain weight right? Well, not in Kay's case. She was now 108 pounds. And that's scary, especially since she's 6 and 1/2 months  pregnant...

My blood was boiling. I know that an eating disorder is pretty much a mental disorder, too.  From what I understand, there's like this monster in your mind that's telling you that you're fat and that you have to lose weight. I felt bed for Kay because there was really nothing I could do but try. And whenever I tried to help her... whenever I tried to do right by her, she'd refuse my help and do what she wanted.

"We're not about to have this argument again Kay! There's nothing on your plate but asparagus and a tiny piece of baked fish! Please babe, just take a few bites..", I dropped to my knees and pleaded with her. "Please... just a few bites.. for me babe.. do it for me...", my eyes began to water. I hated to see her like this.

She stared at me in silence for a minute or so and then she turned to her plate and slowly took a bite off of an asparagus. "Thank God", I whispered under my breath. Begging that she ate the tiniest meals had become routine. I had to do this every single day now.

If it was up to her, she'd go all day without eating, but I made her eat at least between 500-700 calories a day.. It's sad... I know.

She swallowed and slowly looked at me. "Vic", she said with a  face of innocence and in a voice that was so low, I barely heard her.

"Yes baby?"

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I put you through this everyday. I can't help it.. I can't-"

"Sssshhhh... It's okay darling. It's fine. Just- finish eating.. please", I told her. She had made it a habit of apologizing. Apparently she thought that she was 'making my life miserable' as she put it. But she wasn't. Yeah, it was soooo much harder on me, but I wasn't miserable.

She cut up her already tiny pieces of fish into even smaller portions and began nibbling on a piece. "That's it babe. Just trying to make sure our little girl is born healthy", I said as I rubbed her belly. That's right. We had found out a few months ago that she was pregnant with a baby girl. I was hoping  for a boy, but I eventually began to like the idea of having a second little girl around.

After another minute or so of playing with her food, she announced that she was done eating although she had hardly eaten anything. But I wasn't going to try to force her to eat. Not now. That would only lead to fighting and arguing and usually led to one of us breaking down in tears.

"I'm going upstairs. I need to lay down", she said and got up and walked away.

I nodded and went into the living room and collapsed on the couch next to Mike.

"How much did she eat this time?", he asked.

I sighed. "A few bites. Hardly enough to taste...", I answered. He shook his head. I knew that he felt bad about Kay's condition. He tried to help her too but she rarely accepted help from anyone these days.

A Vic Fuentes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now