There's Faith In Love

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"Why haven't you and Frenchi been talking?"

"Ugh, don't even bring that up", she moaned.

"You know that she only told me for our own good. Would you have even told me if she had not done it?"

"Of course I would have. I tried calling you and talking to you but you were always so busy. You were either drunk or partying or hanging out with people all the time. You never made time for me though babe. And you never called me back. You didn't even check on the twins while you were gone", she lowered her head and stroked Vance's hair.

"Baby, I'm... I'm sorry. You know that I was concerned and you know that I love you and my children but... I don't know. I'm scared and I admit that I was just being selfish".

"Scared? What are you scared of?"

I sighed. "Being a father. I'm afraid that I'm not ready yet. I thought I was... I really did. But I'm not. I'm not prepared", I admitted.

"Vic, you were the-"

"I know. I know that I was the one that wanted the kids and please believe me, I DO want them. I love them with all of my heart and I'm so happy that they're here. I'm just scared. I don't want to screw up babe. I'm always gonna be touring and working and what if I never have time for them? What if they don't like me?"

"Victor! You're gonna be a great father. Stop doubting yourself! You're not gonna mess up. Plus, we've got support from Mike, Tony, Jaime, & Mama and Papa. You know they'll give us guidelines and help out. And you'll see them all the time. And when you're on tour, I'll just FaceTime you and let you see them", she said in an attempt to make me feel better.

"You really think we'll be fine?"

"I know that we will be", she said and kissed my nose. I smiled. She and I had our arguments, disagreements, and hardships.. but I felt like as long as I had her, I could do anything.. I could conquer the world.



We finally managed to separate Calvary and Kellin from each other and get Kellin on the road. Kellin didn't want to leave his little girl nor did Calvary want to let her after get away. But it had to be done.

After she had stopped crying her eyes out, I took her for ice cream and then brought her back home. Vic jogged downstairs and sat on the couch between she and I.

"Hey small stuff", he said as he gave Cal a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey Papa".

"Did you miss me while I was gone?"

She nodded her head and sent her ponytail flying everywhere. "Yup. Why you no call me to say hi?", she asked curiously.

"Uh.. I wanted to sweetie. I really did. But Papa was really busy. I promise that i wont do it again. But I got you something", he said as he shot up.

"What is it?", she asked excitedly. Vic ran out the front door and when he came back to it, he was rolling a large pink and purple jeep that was decked out with spinners, flags, sparkles and her name engraved in the side of it. She squealed and hopped from the couch and ran into Vic's arms. He scooped her up and hugged her tightly.

"I love you baby girl. Papa's gotta do better for you", he said and sat her in the seat of the jeep. He showed her how to make it stop and go and turn and go in reverse and all that good stuff. I got up and stood in the yard with them with my arms crossed and a small smile on my face.

"What?", he asked.

"How much did this cost?'

"Doesn't matter", he shrugged.

"You're spoiling her again".

"This is the first big thing that I've bought her in a long time", he said simply.

"How did this even fit in the bus?"

"Kayyyy! It doesn't matter! I haven't been a really good father lately and I wanted to make it up to her. It's no big deal", he whined.

"Well it looks like she loves it", I said as I walked over and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm glad that she does", he said as he watched her run into a bush and then turn around.

"I must admit, you and Kellin made one of the most beautiful children that I have ever laid eyes on", he said as he wrapped his arms around me.

That sentence made me feel so guilty. He was so humble and cool with saying things like that but those statements actually made me feel really bad. "Well Kellin had nothing to do with the two beautiful children that I made with you. They're just as beautiful", I said and nibbled at his ear.

He chuckled. "You're right. And stop doing that. You're gonna start something that you're not gonna be able to finish", he joked.

Why was Vic so wonderful? He was forgiving and so good to me and the kids. But another half of the time, he was distant, angry, and... confusing. But I loved him dearly anyway.. And I'm sure he felt the same about me.



"This is for Cal, Val and Vance", I said as I handed Kay three jewelry boxes. "I thought that they were nice".

She opened the boxes one at a time to find gold bracelets. Each had the full name of each of our three children written in beautiful cursive letters.

"Oh my gosh! Vic! They're gorgeous!", she exclaimed.

"I hoped that you'd like them. They're like those things that you put on and wear all the time. It's simple but..."

"Amazing! I'm gonna go put these on them right now".

"Hold on. Don't rush off", I laughed at her enthusiasm. "There's one more thing", I said and handed her another box.

Her jaw dropped open when she opened the box and saw two gold bands. One had Victor written on it and the other had Kayden. The writing was just like the ones for the kids. "Vic..."

"I thought that it would be cool to symbolize the oneness of our family and its just another little reminder I how much I love you", I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. "The one with my name on it is yours".

She covered her mouth with her hand and tried to keep her tears from spilling. "Vic, I.. I don't deserve this. I really don't", she said and the tears spilled over.

"What are you talking about? Of course you deserve it", I told her.

"No... I don't. You do all of these things for me Vic but what am I good for other than giving you heartache?", she choked out with her tears falling harder than before.

I led her to the bed and sat her down. "Baby, listen to me", I told her and lifted her head so that she could look in my eyes. "I love you, okay? You're my wife and if I didn't love you more than I love my own life, then I wouldn't have married you. But I did. You're perfect to me and you're only human. Yes, you have hurt me but I've done the same to you too, haven't I? Don't beat yourself up about things that you can't change. I've forgiven you and I just want for us to move on with our lives. Just accept this because I want you to have it", I said as I slid the ring with my name on it onto her finger and then put the one with her name on it on mine. "You're beautiful. You know that, right?"

She slowly nodded and wiped away her tears. "Yeah. Gosh. I'm always such an emotional mess".

"Just one more thing that I love about you", I said and quickly kissed her cheek. "Now let's go put these bracelets on the kids".

A Vic Fuentes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now