The Hiding

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(This chapter is disappointing but I have something big in the next chapter! Read the author's note down below!)

 After landing in San Diego, I caught a taxi to Mama and Papa Fuentes' place to pick up my twins. They asked me questions that I didn't feel like answering so I basically ignored them. I couldn't go back home. Once Vic and Kellin find out that I'm gone, I'm sure that would be the first place the guys check. I didn't have any family and no friends other than the ones that my band hung with. I had nowhere to go other than to a hotel. One that I really couldn't afford since it's been a while since I've worked.

I guess the guys finally woke up because the phone calls and text messages began rolling in. I sat in the car with my kids in the back and silently read the messages.

Kellin: Where are you?

Kellin: You out getting breakfast?

Kellin: I know you're mad but I need to know where you and my daughter are...

Kellin: Your bags are gone! Kay, answer me!

Justin: Kayden, where are you and Chippie?

Jesse: Yo

Vic: Kellin told me that you've disappeared. Baby, we're all concerned for your safety. Just shoot one of us a quick text to let us know you're okay.. 

Vic: Please.. I love you..

Vic: We're going to file a missing person's report for you and Calvary..

Tony: Please Kayden...

I finally gave in and decided to text Tony since I didn't want to speak to Vic or Kellin. 

Me: I'm okay, Turtle. Thanks for checking in. Tell the guys not to worry..

Tony: Where are you?

I decided to not respond. I didn't want anyone to know where I was or where I was going. At least they know that I'm okay. I just couldn't see myself staying on tour for another 2 and a half weeks. I'd probably mess up and sleep with Kellin again and he'd allow it especially since I was so vulnerable. Or maybe not. But I still couldn't deal with the fact that Kellin was angry at me. He'd probably give me the silent treatment forever more. So here I am now trying to decide where I could go.

I made the decision to call my old friend, Riley. She and I used to inseparable in high school.. but we grew up and had to go our separate ways though we both still lived in San Diego. I surprisingly still had her number so I gave her a ring. Maybe she'd let us sleepover at her house for a few days until I found somewhere better to go. 

"Hello?", she answered. 

"Hi Riley.. It's Kayden.."

"Kayden? Kayden Mason? Oh God! It's been so long! How are you?", she gushed.

"Not good really. My husband and I got into a fight. I can't go home. I was wondering if my kids and I could sleep at yours for a while..?", I asked hopefully.

"Can you? Of course! I'd love to catch up with you and chat! My address is 2908 Jensen Road. Come on by.. I'll be waiting", she said. I thanked her and headed for her home.


"Kayden! I'm so excited to see you!", Riley said as she gave  me a squeeze.

"Same here. Thank you so much for letting us stay with you", I told her. 

"No problem! Are all three of these yours?", she asked as she looked at the two carriers in my hands and the little girl shyly standing behind me.

"Yeah. They're all mine", I confirmed. 

"Awh how adorable! Come on in!", she said. Her house was two stories tall with three bedrooms. There were two upstairs that she said that we could use but I wanted us all together so we only used one. 

The doorbell then rang. She ran downstairs and answered it. It was some guy. She called me downstairs. "Kayden, this is my boyfriend Cade and Cade this is my good friend Riley. She's going to be staying with me for a while". I extended my hand to say hello and he did the same. 

As the kids slept in the king sized bed upstairs, Cade, Riley and I talked downstairs. "So, Kay, you said that you're married? So you're not a Mason anymore, huh?"

I shook my head. "No. My last name's Fuentes. My husband's name is Vic", I replied casually.

"Vic Fuentes? As in the Mexican dude who's the lead singer in the band Pierce the Veil?", Cade asked semi-excitedly.

"Yeah", I giggled.

"Whoa! You're husband is like my idol! I love him!", he shouted.

"Well thanks. I'll be sure to tell him about his biggest fan", I responded.

"You're married to a rockstar! You guys have 3 babies!", Riley gushed even more excitedly than Cade.

"Well my oldest girl isn't his. But yeah, the twins are".

"Oh, who is her father?"

"His name is Kellin", I said with a shrug.

"Kellin Quinn IS her dad! I remember seeing all the pics of her on his Instagram!"

"Calm down!", I laughed at their excitement. "He's just my best friend.. I think. It's not a big deal", I said with a smile while rolling my eyes.

"Both of them are like my favorite people ever!", Cade said then looked to Riley. "Besides Riley", he added. We all laughed. 


Things were getting bad. Everything was falling apart right in front of me. It had been 3 weeks and we had been staying at Riley's place for much longer than I had expected. She didn't want us to go and didn't mind us staying with her.. so we stayed. I still hadn't had any contact with any of the guys. Vic and Kellin were both unaware of how their children were. Tony texted me periodically and I shot him one quick text back just to keep everybody from going insane. But I missed them terribly. PTV and SWS were my family. They were all I had. And two of the most important people were on bad terms with me. Actually, they had been leaving voicemails that said that we could forget everything that had happened and go back to being one big family.. But I'm afraid that it's not that simple. 

My depression was creeping back upon me. I had left my medicine on the PTV tour bus so I had no way of coping. The twins were almost 7 weeks old now. It was beautiful to watch them as they got bigger and bigger everyday.. Sucks that Vic can't see what I see...

(Okay so I am very well aware of how suckish this chapter is! But the next chapter WILL BE LONGER AND SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING! I'm so excited for you guys to see how the story unfolds! I hope you'll like it... So if you want to see it posted soon, COMMENT, VOTE, AND FAN and I'll hopefully have it up tomorrow! Be expecting!

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