All I Wanted Was You

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"Alright dude. You no longer have an option. Get out of the bed right now or you're gonna force me to remove you myself", Mike said. He had been trying to get me out of my bunk for the last hour, but I wasn't feeling up to it. We had a show to play in about half an hour and I wasn't prepared at all.

"Leave me alone to die", I groaned and turned over to face the wall.

"Vic, don't make me do this bro. You know I will", Mike continued to hound me. He stood at my bunk for a moment and spoke again. "Okay, it's your choice".

He grabbed one of my arms and yanked me back hard and I was drug out of bed and onto the hardwood floor.

"Fuck, Mike! What the shit?", I angrily spat. My bunk was on top and the floor was a pretty long way down...

"You can't say that you weren't warned", he shrugged as he walked towards the door. "Now get dressed. It's almost time to walk over to the venue", he said before leaving.

"You were warned", Jaime added and Tony sat on the couch and tried to suppress his laughter. I flicked them both off, randomly grabbed clothes from my suitcase and went to the back lounge to change.

I didn't want to perform today. It had been 3 days since I found out the news and I still hadn't gotten over it. I still hadn't gotten an understanding of why the love of my life would do such a thing to me. I was a mess. I had been drinking all day and night since then and my anxiety was slowly creeping back on me. I didn't really know what to do.



"I've called him 10 times a day everyday since then and he hasn't answered or texted me or had any form of communication with me in any way", I complained to Kellin.

"He needs time to sort things out. If he would have done the same thing to you, you'd be mad and freaked and angry and you'd need time too", he said as he crossed his leg and sipped from his coffee. "That's why I haven't bothered calling Kate back yet. Besides, tomorrow is the day that you'll get to see him. You guys can talk then".

"Yeah. You're right", I groaned.

"Aren't I always?", he joked.

"How's Cope?" I asked him.

"Well since Kate isn't speaking to me, Jesse is keeping up with her and updating me on how she's doing. And she's fine. Thanks for asking".

"No prob. You know what? I'm so nervous. So nervous to see Vic and face him again. I hope he doesn't hate me for all of this. I love him and I can't stand the thought of losing him", I confessed.

"And he loves you too. Don't be nervous. This is the guy that you've known for years.. the guy you fell in love with... the guy that couldn't bear living without you", he told me and gave my shoulder a tight squeeze.



The show was good and the fans were amazing as usual. Back on the bus, I was still having a mental breakdown and I had almost lost it at one point on stage, but I managed to keep things together.

"I just don't understand. I thought that she was happy. I never thought that she'd do such a thing to me. It's not like we were just boyfriend and girlfriend. She's my wife now, for crying out loud! The mother of my children! The love of my life! Where did I go wrong?", I was freaking out and telling Jaime all of my business.

"Vic, calm down. She's only human. Everyone makes mistakes", Jaime told me.

I shook my head violently. "No. My father used to say that if you give a person a second chance and they make the same mistake, they never really wanted to be yours from the jump. He said that it shows that they don't care the least bit about you. And this is so true with Kay. After Kellin got her pregnant with Calvary, I was cool. But here we are three years later and she still does this? I don't understand where I fucked up at!", I continued to complain to Hime.

"Just... Talk things out with her. Don't go making hasty decisions that you'll regret later", he encouraged me.

I stood up and began pacing around the room. "No Jaime. I'm done. I'm done with her bullshit. I've been there for her through a pregnancy by another man while we were together, I've helped her fight her eating disorder, I helped her stop cutting all those years ago! I've been there for her through all of this shit man! She doesn't appreciate it and I'm fucking done!", I yelled with each word being louder than the last.

"What the hell are you saying man? You guys have been together for over 12 years and you've finally gotten married to her! This is just like you always wanted! Are you really gonna just walk away from that? You're a real man Vic. You need to handle this in a mature way", Jaime explained to me. This made sense but...  

"But what am I supposed to do?! Forgive her and take her back every time she and Kellin have a fling together? Huh? Is that what I'm supposed to do? Just let her cheat and there are no consequences for her? I don't want her thinking that she can do what she wants and she keeps doing it because she knows that I'll stay with her! But not this time! No, not this time Hime!", I fought back in my defense as my anger continued to rise. Was Jaime insinuating that what she had done was okay and wasn't a big deal? Because it was a big deal to me. A very big deal actually...

Jaime ran his hand through his spiky, black hair and sighed. He spoke softly. "Vic, she's like my best friend. She means a lot to not just me and you, but also to Tony and Mike. She's not only our friend, but our manager as well. Imagine how awkward it would be for you two to be on bad terms once she's able to start touring again. And Calvary.. Dude, you're like a father to her and she loves you to death. And your own kids, they're only about 2 weeks old! Are you really gonna walk out on all of that because of a kiss?"

The words Jaime spoke made me stop in my tracks. What he was saying made so much sense. If I lose Kay, then I lose almost everything that matters in my life. She's my better half.. Even though she's not 'better' at the moment. She was my world... But I'm not letting her off the hook that easily.



"Vic, baby, please pick up. I don't like how we left things the last time we talked and I.. I just wanna hear your voice baby. Please.. Call me back or.. at least text me", I said for Vic's voicemail. I hadn't heard from him in forever and I was desperate to speak with him.

After I hung up, he called back almost immediately. "Vic! I'm so glad you answe-"

"Cut the crap Kay. You cheated on me.. again. I took you back the first time. Now, if you want to talk to me, here's your chance. Tell me, what the hell is going on between you and Kellin?" His tone was almost emotionless but I could hear a bit of anger in it.

"V-Vic.. There's nothi-"

"Bullshit Kayden! Tell me what the fuck is going on between you and Kellin.. Now!", he cut me off again and began to yell.

"Vic, you're getting too angry again. Please, calm down. Just relax", I tried convincing him that he was overreacting. I didn't want things to end the way they did last time. He had hurt me emotionally and had hurt himself physically.

"I'm not gonna ask you again", he said oh so seriously.

"Baby, Kellin and I are only friends. He's the father of my child and my best friend and that's all! I swear! I'm not even sure were the kiss came from but-"

"Okay Kay. You've had your chance to tell the truth. No one kisses their best friend for no reason at all. What are you trying to do, cover up an affair or what?", he was still yelling. "Guess, it doesn't really matter anymore", he said more calmly before hanging up on me.

He was coming home tomorrow. How was I gonna face him?


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