Surprise, Surprise!

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*Kayden's POV*

When I woke up, I stretched my arms and looked over to see an empty spot in bed next to me. Vic must've started his day early. I walked down the hall and into Calvary's room only to find that she wasn't there. I carefully walked down the stairs and into the dark living room. I was scared shitless when the lights came on and everyone shouted 'Surprise'!

"What the actual fuck!?", I yelled and put my hand over my rapidly beating heart. "You guys scared the crap out of me!" They all laughed. "Where are you guys going? What's with all the suitcases?", I asked confused. The guys had told me that they had a week off before the next tour. I was their tour manager. If they were going on tour, shouldn't I know about it? "Is this for tour?", I asked anyway.

"No mama!" Calvary said as she ran up to me and flung her tiny arms around my legs. "Papa says we're going on a trip!"

I eyed Vic suspiciously. "Is that so?", I said Calvary as I picked her up.

"Uh huh and he says that we're gonna-"

"Cal!?", Vic cut her off. "Remember? Our little secret?"

"Oh", she giggle and put her hands over her mouth. "Sorry mommy. Papa says I can't tell you", she said as she wiggled out of my arms and ran back over to the guys.

"Come on back up", Frenchi said to me from the top of the stairs. "We should probably get dressed".

"We'll be packing the luggage", Tony informed us.

"Ok", I said as I turned and followed Frenchi back up the stairs. "What was that all about?", I asked her as she grabbed my hand and led me to my closet.

"The guys just want to go out. That's all", she smiled.

"They just want to go out? Why does going out for a night require so much luggage?"

"Jeez, you ask a bunch of questions", she said as she grabbed a shirt from my closet and held it up to my belly. "Yeah. I think you'll look nice in this", she said.

I snatched the shirt from her. "Hey! Don't try to change the subject!", I pouted wanting more information.

"I'm not telling you anything else! Just come along for the ride and you'll see when we get there", she said as she handed me a pair of pants and exited the room.

I sighed and got dressed. I hated surprises but I was anxious to find out where we were going. I went back downstairs and Vic handed a plate to me. "Don't argue with me about eating. We're not leaving before you eat and we have a flight to catch in an hour and a half so let's make this quick", he said and walked away without giving me a chance to say anything.

I sat down at the table with Jaime and Calvary as they ate and I ate my grits and eggs and nibbled a bit at the toast and sausage on my plate. 15 minutes later, I was still picking at the food when Vic came over.

He sighed at how little I had eaten. "That's good enough I suppose", he said. "Let's go everybody!", he yelled loudly. I dumped my plate in the trash, scooped up Calvary, grabbed my phone and headed out the door. Mike got in the driver's seat of Vic's truck, Frenchi got in beside him. We put Jaime and Tony in the back while Vic, Calvary and I got the middle seats.

"To LAX!", Frenchi threw her fists into the air and shouted as Mike pulled off.

"LAX?", I whispered to Vic.

He nodded and smiled and put his arm around Calvary's booster seat. I shrugged and enjoyed the hour long ride to LAX.

We all got our baggage checked and signed in and what not. Then we sat down and waited in the waiting area until we were given permission to board the plane. Vic grabbed my hand and with the rest of the guys and Calvary in Vic's arms, we boarded the plane.

A Vic Fuentes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now