A Day Of Fun

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Kay's POV

I put on a simple black dress, fish net stockings, and black heels for dinner. It was a plain outfit but it was the best I could do. The dress was a bit tighter than I would have liked it to be on my growing stomach but it was okay. After all, Vic did pack my bag for me... Calvary wore a nice pink dress with a matching bow in her hair.

"Ready to go?", Vic asked as he stepped out of the bedroom in a dress shirt, black tie, and skinny jeans.

"Uh... wow, Vic.. You look stunning", I blushed as I looked him up and down.

"So do you my Princess", he said as he walked over and gave my cheek a quick kiss.

"Hey! I'm your princess!", Cal yelled at Vic with her little hands on her hips. Vic bent down and scooped her up. Yes you are, gorgeous", he said as he tickled her.

He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room together. Mike and Frenchi were already standing in the hall flirting with each other. Mike was dressed just like Vic was.

"Is that Michael? Michael Christopher Fuentes?", I asked Mike as he turned around and blushed. "You're really sharp tonight bro!", I said as I gave him a tight hug.

"So are you sis", he said back. "And don't call me by my full name. It's embarrassing", he whispered to me and I giggled.

"Frenchi! Gorgeous as usual!", I said as I gave her a hug too.

"No, you are!", she replied before quickly kissing my belly.

"TONY! JAIME!", Vic banged on their door. "We're leaving! Get out here!"

Moments later, they were standing before us. They matched what Vic and Mike had on and looked just as amazing.

On the ride to the restaurant, we all discussed random things: whether we believed that unicorns exist or not and how long it would take to build an underwater sea dome (like Sandy's from SpongeBob).

Upon arriving at the restaurant, I found a delightful surprise waiting for us. "Kellin!", I yelled which got me some dirty looks from people who were eating but I didn't care. My best friend was here and this was exciting to me. He stood up from the table and I ran into his arms and he gave me a tight squeeze.

It had been 3 and 1/2 months since Warped ended and I hadn't seen him since then, so I think it's safe to say that I was really excited.

"Kay!", he exclaimed, seemingly just as excited as me. "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you, too", I said.

"Daddy!", Calvary said as her tiny legs carried her over to her father.

"Sweetheart! It's so good to see you!", he said as he scooped her up and hugged her tightly. Vic walked over to us with the other guys and whispered in my ear.

"Everyone's staring", he said and took my hand and sat down at the table beside me. It was only then that I noticed that he had Katelynne and the rest of his band with him.

"What are you guys doing here?", I asked once we all sat down and had ordered our drinks.

"Victor invited us", Kellin said with his corny but adorable smile.

"Vic?", I said as I turned to face  him with a huge smile on my face.

"Well, Kellin's your best friend and this vacay is to make you happy. So I figured you'd have a little bit more fun if you got to hang out with him for a while. Plus, you and Cal haven't seen him in what? Over 3 months?", he asked before sipping from his sweet tea nonchalantly.  

A Vic Fuentes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now