Oh Happy Day

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"Hurry up Vic! You're on in 5 minutes!", I yelled at Vic who was still getting dressed on the bus.

"I'm almost done. Don't worry, we'll make it", he said as he slid on his jean jacket and slipped on his Vans.

We ran out of the tour bus and ended up backstage just as the guy with the clipboard yelled, "You're on in 15 seconds!"

"We thought you wouldn't show", Tony said as he patted the breathless Vic on the back. "Let's go".

The guys ran out onstage and greeted the city of Las Vegas and began playing their set. I was still out of breath. I was in a good physical shape and was never so tired so quickly. I retrieved a bottle of water from a nearby cooler and chugged the entire thing down.

I did my best to cheer the guys on from side stage with the small amount of energy that I had. I didn't know why I was so tired. I slept pretty well last night...

After their 30 minute set was done, they had a Meet and Greet that I had to get them to. "You guys played an amazing show! I told them as they came off stage. We've got no time to waste. Meet and Greet, Meet and Greet, Meet and Greet!", I chanted as I pushed the guys towards their signing tent. They already had a long line of fan girls and guys waiting to meet them.

"Ok, while you guys do this, I'm going back to the stage and help the guys load your equipment back up", I said as I hurried off. I made it back to the stage and  began helping with packing guitars, disassembling the drums, unplugging speakers and amps, lifting boxes, and moving them to the trailer.

"Okay, we all done here guys?", I asked.

"Yep. You've been a tremendous help today. You should go and get off of your feet. You must be tired", said our guitar tech Casey.

"No can do Case. I've got to help fill the merch tent back up. I hear that we're low on supplies", I said as I ran off to a different trailer where the merch girls and I stocked back up on the items.

"Okay, this ought to be enough to last the remainder of the day", I said to the girls and instructed them to call me if supplies ran low again. My phone vibrated in my pocket, it was Vic.

"Hello?", I said as I leaned up against a tree to catch my breath.

"Hey, babe. Where are you? Didn't you say that we had that interview with Bryan Stars today?", he asked.

"Gosh dammit! I totally forgot. Umm, meet me outside the bus. I'll be there in a sec", I said as I hung up the phone. I ran to the bus and picked up the guys and from there, I led them to the room in which they were supposed to meet Bryan. "You're only three minutes late, so it's fine", I said as I pushed the guys into the interview room and sat on a couch outside. The interview lasted for a whole half hour.  The guys came out all laughing and smiling. I guess it went well.

"How'd it go?", I asked them.

"Fine... Kay, you look exhausted. You've been working all day. You need to rest. Let's go to the b-", Vic said coming towards me.

"Nah. I'm good. Honestly. Besides, I'm busy. No time for rest. I have to get Calvary in a little while anyway.. K-K- Kellin has to uh- he has to--", I began stumbling backwards and began feeling dizzy.

"Kayden? Are you okay?", Vic asked.

"Yeah. I- I just  uh-", was all I managed to say before everything went black and I passed out.


When I woke up, I had no idea where I was. Vic was holding my hand and asleep in a chair beside me. "V- Vic", I said.

A Vic Fuentes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now