The Other Girl

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I sat on the couch with my arms and legs crossed as the beautiful Hayley Williams (lead singer of the band Paramore) sat on the floor and tickled Cal with Vic's assistance. She had made a surprise visit to our home to see the guys since her band was passing through San Diego. The boys were just as excited to see her as she was to see them. They had been sitting around and talking about the tour that both their bands were scheduled to go on soon amongst other things. Cal had grown very fond of Hayley in the short period of time that she had known her which made me slightly jealous.

Yes, I was the jealous type and I admit it. Everybody was laughing and joking and smiling in her face and I had faded to the background. Cal continued laughing as Hayley lifted her shirt, and she and Vic took turns blowing into her belly and making those crazy fart noises with their mouths.  

I sighed loudly, got up form the couch, and stormed into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator door although I had no intention of finding anything to eat. A pair of arms suddenly snaked around my waist and there was a warm body pressed into the back of mine. It was Vic obviously. "You okay?", he asked casually.

"Fucking dandy", I replied sarcastically and shut the door before breaking away from him.

"Whoa, what's wrong baby?"

"She suddenly shows up and I don't exist, huh?", I said as I pointed to the door leading to the room that she was sitting in.

"What do you mean Kay?"

"You and the guys have been ignoring me every since she's been here. I mean, I realize  that you haven't seen her in a while but you haven't even bothered to even try to engage me in the conversation", I complained.

A small smile appeared on his face. "Someone's jealous, yeah?"

"Fuck yeah I'm jealous!", I said loudly and he smiled wider.

"You're fucking hot when you're angry", he whispered in my ear before nibbling on it. This sent chills down my spine and a low moan escaped from my lips. He laughed and let me go. "I'm sorry darling. We weren't doing it intentionally, k? Come back in there with me?", he pleaded with his cutest puppy dog eyes.

I grinned. "Now how could I possibly say no to that?", I joked. He took me by the hand and led me back into the living area. 

"You okay, Kay?", Hayley asked me when I re-entered the room. She held my sleeping baby girl in her arms.

"Yeah. I'm good. Thanks for the concern", I said. She smiled and nodded her head. 

"Your kids are beautiful ya know. All three of them. They're totally perfect. Makes me wanna have one or two", she said and then looked to me.

"Awww thank you", I replied with a fake smile.

"Well, I've gotta run", she stood and handed Valley to Mike who was also holding Vance.

"Nooo! Please don't leave!", Cal pleaded.

"I'm sorry sweet pea but I've gotta go. I'll be back to see you one day. Or your papa can bring you on this next tour and you and I can hang out together for a bit", she told my kid. 

"Oooo papa please? Please can I go papa?!", she begged as she turned to Vic.

Vic rubbed his neck and looked over to me then looked back down to Cal. "Uhh, I dunno baby girl. You'd have to ask your mommy and see what she says".

"No", I said bluntly.

"Kay..", Vic glared at me for being so blunt and showing my obvious hatred towards the idea.

"I'm not sure baby. We'll talk about it later", I told Cal and she nodded. 

"Well, I'll walk you to the door", Vic said. Hayley said her goodbyes to everyone, and she and Vic exited the house.


Vic's POV

"She doesn't hate me does she? I mean, have I done anything to her?", Hayley asked me in a concerned way once we were outside and out of earshot of everyone else. 

"What? No way. She just has jealousy issues and she probably hates me right now more than anything", I chuckled and so did she.

"You have a beautiful family, Vic. Those twins of yours look just like you. And Cal even looks just like her dad", she said.

"Thanks Hails. Speaking of Kellin, aren't you on tour with him and his band right now?"

"Yeah. He told me what happened.. you know between him and Kayden..", she trailed off. "Not trying to be nosy or anything.. Just saying".

"Oh, it's cool. Everything's good now", I said and began tugging awkwardly on my lip.

"You know", she began as she stepped closer to me, "You're a great person. Don't you think that you deserve to be with someone who.. you know, doesn't have a child by their ex or cheat on their husband?", she outwardly asked.

"What? What are you saying Hayley? She's messed up but I love her.. and I'm not holding it against her", I defended my wife.

"But you're so good to her and she doesn't return the favor to you. That's a bit unfair, don't you think?"

"Well...", I tried finding words to say.

"Well? Remember all those years ago when I told you how I felt about you? Well, I still feel those same feelings. If you would've left her when you had the chance, you and I could be together right now", she said as she inched closer and closer.

"Hayley, just don-". Before I knew it, she had stood up on her tip toes and wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips into mine. My eyes involuntarily closed as she forced my lips open and slipped my tongue into hers. After a moment, I realized that what was happening was wrong and I pushed her away. "Hayley", I barely had time to say before she dove back into my mouth. I didn't push her away this time. Instead, I slowly placed both my hands on her hips.

She eventually pulled away. I was out of breath. "Let that be something to think about. I'll see ya on tour in a few days", she said with a wink and with seductively biting her lower lip, got into her car and sped away.... Oooookkaaayyy.... 

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