Chapter 2 - Birthday Girl?

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My life is a constant routine.

Wake up.
Do chores.
Leave for school.
Get teased.
Walk home.
Do chores.
More teasing.
Even more chores.
And finally the sweet sweet release that sleep promises every night.

Well every night but tonight.

Today's my birthday but no one knows no one ever knows and they never will because all it ever brings me is never ending pain, heartache and the shame of knowing I am different and didn't belong, the shame I passed on to my parents and family which will eternally last forever and a day.

Happy birthday me! ... NOT.

I went about my day just as normal, and just as I expected no one said happy birthday, no one even acknowledged my existence, well unless they wanted me to do something for them which I had to do if I wanted the rest of my day to be peaceful.

I was walking through the common area of the pack house where about a dozen wolves were lounged on the couch laughing and joking around. I tried to quickly scurry past but one of the men stepped in front of me and sarcastically growled "hang on sweetheart where do you think your going" I froze and turned around.

It was one of Dylan's friends Jace he's always been known as a trouble maker. I shuffled forward and slowly watched him to see what he was going to do. To my surprise he tilted his head up and sniffled his nose smelling the air like he'd caught a whiff of something bad.

"Do you smell that?" He remarked "it sort of smells like a cat?..."

The others tilted their head in Union and mumbled a chorus of agreement questioning how the smell had come to be in the house.  I slowly looked up to find everyone in the room staring at me, Jace roughly grabbed my arm pulled me forward and took a long deep breath of air into his lungs.

He locked eyes with me for a split second, and in that second all I saw in those dark eyes were hate and disgust all directed at me. He roughly pushed me to the ground and commanded I have a shower to get the disgusting smell of cat from my skin.

I rushed off around the corner on the verge of tears and bolted from the house towards the woods to an abandoned shack by a lake at the edge of our pack territory. It's my safe haven and refuge. I go there when I'm upset and want to be alone. Yes it's old and falling apart but it is peaceful and gives me time to think without the constant fear of being picked on.

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