Chapter 10 - get me outta here!

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I look up wide eyed at Dylan and inaudibly gulp. He is towering over me and my bed with an intimidating stance. I glance at his eyes and there's something different about him, he almost seems as he's not all there, he notices me looking and I quickly cast my eyes down in submission, the last thing I would want to do is challenge Dylan and his authority.

He reaches his arm down and snatches the chains that bound me to the bed. I flinch expecting some kind of lashing or punishment but all he does is pull out a key and begin to unlock the chains. I begin to sit up but he hisses at me to stay where I am and not move, otherwise he'll 'rip my head off'.

I back down into a submissive position while he unbinds the chains from the bed frame. He has removed all the chains from the bed and begins unlocking the chains that bind my feet. He leans over me to get a better look at the lock and at that moment I felt so tempted to test out my newfound strength and kick him as hard as I can and see what damage I can inflict, but I hold back, it will not end well if I do something rash like that.

My feet are free and I lay there waiting for a few seconds for him to begin on my hands, he does nothing. I look up and he rips me up by the chains which causes me to yelp in pain. He begins roughly leading me like a dog out of the pack infirmary.

My hand are outstretched as he drags me to the direction of the woods, he's taking me back to the cell where he held me before, now that I'm not hyperventilating. I begin to pull back and resist him leading me. There is no way I want to go back to that horrid prison. I skid my heels into the ground whilst thrashing around hoping to throw him off but I have no avail. He is too strong for me.

I don't give up. I can't let him think that he's won. I continue to resist but he stops, turns around and gruffly lifts me off the ground whilst throwing me over his shoulder like a dirty rag. I hang there for a second not knowing what to do. He continues to walk so I begin kicking, it's my only option since my hands are still bound.

My attempts to hurt him go unnoticed because he just tucks my legs under his arm and continues down the overgrown path leading to the cell. When we get there there is already someone there holding the door open ready for me to go in. Dylan must've called someone just before we left the infirmary.

We reach the cells door and Dylan continues in and roughly dumps me on the floor causing me to wince in pain. He turns around and walks out without saying a word. I get the impression that Dylan is torn between the mate bond and his reputation.

The other man walks in the cell and looks at me whilst saying 'rouge you will stay here in our packs cell until we decide what to do with you. You will do what we say when we say it and we may spare you' he puts a lot of emphasis on the word 'may' which makes me think that they've already decided my fate, no matter how well behaved I am. With that final word he spins around and strides towards the cell door. Just before he steps out he stops and turns back around to me. With a look of disgust on his face he tosses a key to the floor and continues out the door slamming it shut.

I hear a series of slides and clicks coming from multiple bolts being slid into place to prevent me escaping. As soon as I hear no more sound I scurry to the key and grasp it tightly. I unlock the chains that bound my hands and cradle my wrists in my lap. The are red raw from the rough chains and pulling.

I touch the marks and wince. Without a second thought I instinctively pull my wrists to my mouth and begin licking the wounds and the began to heal right before my eyes. It was incredible and I had never seen anything like it in my life. After a few short minutes my wrists were restored to their original state and had healed so perfectly that they didn't hurt in the slightest and in fact they had healed so well that you wouldn't even know that they had been injured, there wasn't a scar, bump or scab in sight.

This new found cheetah ability made me that little bit less afraid and more determined than ever to escape.  I stood up and began pacing the cell. I walked back and fourth from one wall to the other going around and around thinking of a way to escape. I looked up at the window. Maybe I could try and pul the bars off with the chains? That sounded like an ok plan but it would be too loud and the guards would immediately storm into the cell.

I kept pacing back and fourth around and around. I was beginning to get agitated and frustrated about my situation. I could feel myself getting restless and began getting an itch of wanting to shift. I paced a little more before I gave into the urge and heard the satisfying cracking of bone as I shifted into my cheetah. I paced along again and again but it wasn't getting me anywhere. I was so frustrated that I leapt at the wall and rebounded off to let off some steam. I did it again and again each time gaining greater height.

As I turned to land I caught a glimpse of the window. I'm slimmer as a cheetah! Maybe, just maybe I could manage to squeeze through the bars of the window. I walked back as far as I could against the opposite wall and took a short bound and leaped as high as I could up the wall. My claws just managed to catch the ledge and I pulled myself up. I peered around and no one was there. I cautiously pressed my head through the bars and it fit!

I pushed the rest of my body up and through the bars and crept towards the shrubs surrounding the cell.

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