Chapter 12 - Rouge Territory

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I push myself harder than ever before and dash through the unfamiliar woodlands that face me. The scent surrounding me is so different to what I'm used to, it's so unusual and strong, so much so that it takes over my senses and I can't tell what scent I'm picking up on.

I continue ahead slightly disorientated trying to find a place to rest and seek shelter. The wind has picked up and slashes against my coat as I continue against it dodging left and right to avoid getting caught in low hanging branches and shrubs.

Up ahead I think I can see a small stream. I slow slightly and continue towards it cautiously. I'm in rouge territory now and you can't be too careful. I approach the river, the bank and its surrounding appear clear. I crouch at the edge and dip my tongue into the stream lapping up water, feeling instantly refreshed and ready to run again.

While my head is down I catch a glimpse of a dark shadow out of the corner of my eye standing against the tree line watching me. I shoot up and immediately and stand rigidly while scanning the greenery surrounding me. Behind a tree I see a tail and without second thought begin sprinting away again. That must be a rouge. I gulp as I run and continue ahead as fast as possible.

I follow the river closely, unsure if the rouge is chasing me or not. I notice the river has thinned out at one section so I take that as my chance to bound across. In one leap I make it to the other side of the bank without touching the water and continue sprinting.

I run as fast as I can until I almost can run no more. As I slow my pace I take in my surrounds in greater detain and notice that not too far away is what appears to be a cave. I make my way towards it cautiously sniffing the air for any hint of danger.

I don't sense anything unusual or out of place so I creep up to the cage entrance and peek my head in. I listen carefully and can only hear silence and the sound of insects scuttling amongst the shadows that blanket the cave. Enter the dark cage and my eyes immediately begin to adjust to the darkness, I guess that's one of my 'cat powers'. I chuckle to myself and can't believe how surreal this whole experience has been. 

The caves roof is made of jagged stone and drips water from the gaps in the stone which lead to a thick layer of undisturbed moss on the wall and pools in areas of the caves rocky floor. The floor is also covered in sharp rocks but it had patches of dirt filling the rocks natural crevices and dips. I'm not sure how long I am going to stay here but if I do stay the night at least the dirt on the ground will be more comfortable than sleeping on the uneven rock flooring.

I sit in the back of the cage on a patch of dirt attentively peering out the entrance for any sign of movement or danger that may present itself. I sit like this for hours but nothing happens.

I feel the daylight slipping away and feel that I should probably go and find myself something to eat. I slink out of the cave and and listen for any sound of movement but don't hear anything. I make my way back towards the river, I figure since nightfall is approaching soon many animals will be wanting to drink some water before they sleep.

I retrace my steps back to the river whilst paying attention to my surrounding for any sign of the rouge. As I reach the river it appears to be empty. I leap up into a tree with one graceful bound and rest on a low lying branch watching the river. A creature is sure to appear soon.

It's not long before a small group of deer come to the river. They cautiously approach the water line with their ears turning and attentively listening for any predators. After several moments they dip their heads down and begin to drink the water they haven't detected me.

I took this as my opportunity to pounce and leapt from the tree directly onto a small doe . I ended her life swiftly, she did not need to suffer anymore than she had already. As soon as I landed the other deer took off in different directions leaving me alone with my kill. I wasn't far from the cave so I dragged the deer back to the cave to ensure that no one caught me.

Once I got back to the cave I immediately began eating the deer until my stomach was full. I hadn't eaten anything that would sustain me in days so now was my opportunity to regain my energy and rest. I'm sure I'll be moving on from this spot soon and for that I will need my energy.

It was a cold night, but luckily I had my cheetahs coat to keep me warm and the cave to protect me from the wind. I decided then moments before falling into a restless sleep that tomorrow I will leave this cave and seek somewhere more appropriate for me to live.

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