Chapter 14 - A New World

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I open my eyes and wake up in a grungy unfamiliar room. My heart begins to race as I imagine where I could be and I shudder at some unpleasant thoughts that cross my mind.

What if the pack have taken me back! Or worse, what if some human scientist has captured me while I was vulnerable and trapped me in a lab for testing! To me the thought of spending the rest of my life trapped just after escaping my past was incomprehensible as I continued to speculate my fate.

I stand up from the sofa I was laying on and wince as I feel a stinging sensation coming from my leg I immediately sit down to relieve the burning from my leg. I peer down at my leg and see that I'm still wearing the sweatpants I took from the clothesline when I shifted back earlier... before I was taken. The sweatpants have a large tear on the outer right thigh and the edges of the tear in the fabric is soaked in dark crimson blood.

I gingerly part the fabric and seem a huge gash running down the side of my thigh, the sight of such a huge gash makes me feel faint. All the wolves I've seen sustain an injury like this have healed within a day but my wound is still fresh and showing no sign of healing anytime soon. I remember licking the chafing on my wrists to heal them when Dylan was holding me captive so I do the same again to the wound on my leg in an attempt to heal it, but after several moments it remains unchanged. Why didn't it work this time?

My heart once again begins to race, what if I really have been captured by human scientists and they've injected me with some kind of drug to suppress my cheetah.

I finally come back to reality a little and allow myself to calm down enough to observe my surroundings and realise that I'm in what appears to be a spare room. I'm sitting on a brown, textured sofa bed that is positioned opposite the rooms closed door and in front of a large window that overlooks a backyard that backs onto the forest I came from. Then floors are made from hardwood and the room is decorated with little trinkets and basic furniture you would expect to see in a spare room.

The window draws my attention. From the position I'm in I can see that it is slightly ajar and nothing appears to be stopping me from leaving. Testing my wild theory that my cheetah has been suppressed I hone into my heightened hearing and suddenly it intensifies. I can hear shuffling from within the house and it's getting closer.

Before I can comprehend what has happened the door opens revealing a man with bright eyes and skin that was slightly tanned. He stands framed in the door with his hands together in front of him slightly fidgeting, could he be nervous?! His hair was a ruffled dirty blonde that complemented his soft facial features and slender, yet muscular body.

He steps in the room and clears his throat. For a few seconds we awkwardly avoid looking at each other unsure what to expect until he speaks up and says 'I'm sorry this is how we had to meet... but I did promise that I would find you' it took me a few moments to piece together what was happening but it surely came to me. This is Luca, the person who spoke to me in my mind, I don't know how but I could just feel it!

I stutter out his name nervously yet again unsure what to expect and his facial expression suddenly softens as if he has realised something he hadn't before. He looks at me and says 'I know you don't trust me, but can I sit next to you?' As if I were compelled to say yes I silently nod my head yes signalling that he can sit next to me. Although I've never met him before, and only had a brief conversation that I think was real with him, in my heart I know that I can trust him. I subconsciously relax my muscles and feel a little better about the situation I'm in. I let out a shaken breath as he approaches.

When he sits next to me on the sofa it dips towards him shifting my leg making my wound to protest as pain shoots through my body. Wincing I try to reposition my leg to stop the pain but Luca gently places him hand on mine and looks me in the eye.

Tingles shoot up my arm and throughout my body making me forget entirely about the gaping wound on my leg and in that moment all I can see is Luca, our eyes are locked and I know in that moment that he is my true mate. Not Dylan, Luca.

Eventually we break eye contact and my entire perception of Luca as changed. When I look at him I see a handsome man, my mate. I feel a sensation that I've never experienced before... I feel welcomed and I feel like I belong.

Luca looks down at my leg and explains that I must've fallen onto something sharp when I fainted in the woods and he too is unsure of why it isn't healing.

Suddenly his eyes kind of turn a little animalistic as if he were shifting into his cheetah and he dips his head and darts his tongue out to lick the would. I jump a little at his unexpected fast movements, but I let him continue. After discovering he was my mate it were as if all our thoughts were shared and our minds were exposed to one another.

I trust him.

Sitting up he begins to apologise saying that he doesn't know what overcame him but he slows talking and stares at my leg. Peering down I see the flesh stitching itself back together and within seconds my skin is smooth and looks untouched. If I hadn't of seen it myself I wouldn't have believed it myself.

He looks towards the floor and whispers 'A mates kiss will heal the greatest of wounds'

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