Chapter 15 - A Mates Kiss

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I've never seen anything like it in my life! The alpha of my old pack couldn't even heal that fast after sustaining such a deep wound. Stunned I reach my hand down and brush the area where the wound was, my skin was smooth and even, not a mark was left behind. I applied a little pressure with my hand to test for any tenderness but didn't feel any pain or discomfort. It was incredible!

I look over to Luca who was still sitting next to me and he was staring at my leg just as amazed as I was. He looks up at me and I quickly look back down at my leg blushing, the moment we had was confusing and strangely intimate and I wasn't quite sure how to react after such an event happening and I don't think he was either.

Luca clears his throat and I looked up at him again and he's gazing directly into my eyes, I must be red as a tomato because I can feel my cheeks burning under his stare. He continues to look into my eyes and mutters under his breath 'wow' I nervously thank him for healing my leg and he responds rather rapidly, I can tell that he's nervous too but from what I managed to gather from his quick nervous mumbling, he had read in an ancient manuscript that once two bonded cheetahs have met their abilities will be heightened in the presence of each other and the shifter healing ability is accelerated if the mate of the injured shifter naturally cleans the wound and that he had quoted 'a mates kiss will heal the greatest of wounds' from that manuscript.

He nervously stands up and begins apologising and in that moment the realisation that I will be spending the rest of my life with this man came to me and I stood up with him gently taking his hands in mine reassuring him that it was fine and that I was very grateful for what he did.

After that moment the nervousness we were both feeling earlier had vanished and was replaced with curiosity for finding out more about each other and happiness for finally finding each other. In just a few hours we were laughing and joking like we were old friends that hadn't seen each other in a long time.

In the short time of knowing Luca I discovered that he was 20 years old and was apart of a a very powerful wolf pack that he left as he didn't fit in. Luca told me that he was next in-line for the alpha position but people begun to question him to his father, the current alpha when he didn't shift on this 16th birthday which is what was expected of a young wolf, particularly the next in-line for alpha and once he finally did shift into a cheetah on his 19th birthday there were even more whispers and rumours about him so he left the pack and the members to their own wolf only pack because by the time he left none of the member would go near or even talk to him unless he spoke directly to them and even then they wouldn't have a proper conversation so that's what finally made him decide to leave.

When he left he didn't leave unprepared. His father had given him a substantial amount of money and also access to the ancient wolf history library that usually can't be accessed by anyone other than the ancients and alphas. It was there that Luca had found the ancient manuscripts that gave him the little information on the cheetah shifters and their history that he had.

When I was telling Luca my story, although he already knew some of my past I could see an immediate drop in his attitude and sadness in his eyes for what I had it endure, but I was comfortable telling him and was entirely open with him. It was from that moment that we decided that if were going to spend the rest of our lives together we would need to leave our pasts behind and to do that we would need to remain rogues and travel as far away from our packs as we could and what better time to start than now.

We spent the next few hours discussing potential places to live and ideas for what we want our future together to be.

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