Chapter 8 - Voices in my head

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All I see is black, I can't feel anything and feel as though I'm suspended in space. where am I? Am I dead? Did rouges kill me? I'm suddenly overwhelmed with a musty scent which rouses me and allows me to open my eyes. I must have been sleeping I think to myself.

As I begin to sit up I realise that i have been laying on a filthy blood stained concrete floor. As soon as I lay eyes on the blood my heart jumps and I immediately have a terrible feeling. I can feel something begin to nag at the back of my mind. Unsure of what it is I repress it to the back of my mind, I have more important things to deal with at the moment.

I peer around the dimly lit room the air was stale and humid which almost felt as if it were burning my lungs with every breath. I look down at myself and see that I have been roughly dressed in filthy torn clothing that barely covered me, I look around me to try and figure out where I might be, because I have no recollection of what happened yesterday, all I remember is stepping out of pack territory and blacking out.

I seem to be in some kind of concrete cave, the walls, which once would have been white are black with dirt, they have a strange liquid running down them from the roof, I must be underground. I walk the perimeter of the walls trying to find an exit and as I walk I subconsciously run my fingers along the wall feeling it's rough surface. My fingers dip and I look at the wall, there is a huge set of claw marks engraved in the wall, running almost from the roof to just under mid way of the wall, I reach as high as I can and trace the markings with my fingers, these are wolf claw marks.

I continue around the eerie room, it is empty with nothing but me in it, I look up and I can see a small barred window, there is no glass on the window allowing for a small amount of light and air to flow into the room, the bars are evenly spaced with a gap the size of maybe two of my hands placed side by side, so roughly 15cm apart. There's no way I'd be able to fit out of that or even reach it for that matter.

I walk to the rooms boundaries again, something about this whole situation seems familiar to me but I can't for the life of me place it, I stop at the small door. There is no handle on the inside, just the outline of a door shape. I have to try and get out of here. I push as hard as I can against the panel but it doesn't budge. I try again and still nothing. So I reluctantly press my ear to the filthy concreted door and listen to see if I could get any clues to where I'm being kept. I strain to listen, but can't hear a thing.

With a sigh I scamper over to the back of the room furthest from the door and slump to the floor against the wall, not even caring that it's filthy and blood stained. It seems like I may be here awhile. I lean my head back and close my eyes listening for any sound or clue to where I might be. It seems as though hours had passed but I'm sure in reality it would have only been 30 minutes. I stand up again and walk to the door again. I press my ear against it again but hear nothing. I'm about to walk back when I suddenly remember that I can shift now!

I've seen members of the pack call upon certain abilities of their wolf while still in human form so I try to do the same. I focus entirely on my hearing and every sound I can hear, I focus on keeping my breathing rate steady and imagine myself projecting my hearing. I can hear the slight buzz of voices, I'm doing it! I imagine myself zooming in on those voices and try to refine the sound, slowly the voices become more audible and I can just make out some of the words that they're saying. I hear bits and pieces of their conversation, they keep mentioning 'the girl', that must be me. I keep listening and what seems to be a new voice is introduced. They refer to me as the girl again and I swear I heard the new voice growl out, 'her names paige'.

I shrink back into the cell, my heart drops, how do they know my name? All I can think of was that Dylan caught me when I blacked out. I thought I ran away but I must have fainted and collapsed. Come to think of it now I know what's familiar. I'm back in the packs territory and I'm being held in the hidden bunker that they repurposed into a cell to hold rogues. I've never been here before but I have certainly heard of it amongst overheard conversations. I gulp, I'm officially a rouge now and I dread what the pack is going to do to me.

I hear the metal latch of the door begin to slide open and my heart begins to race, my body fills with adrenaline again and I stand up ready to face who ever comes through that door. As I stand up the nagging that I felt in the back of my mind overwhelms me and can make out someone saying is 'anyone there?' I speak out loud 'hello? Who's there?' I get no response from the voice in my head but Dylan calls out in an eerie voice 'its just me darling. Get away from the door'

I shrink back and my mind is racing, what am I going to do. The voice comes back again this time yelling 'I can hear you!  I will find you I promise!'

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