Chapter 16 - The House

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Paige groaned as she felt the sunlight on her face "urrgh it can't be morning already" she muttered. It felt like she'd only fallen asleep 10 minutes ago. She groggily sits up and peers around. She looks down to see that she had fallen asleep on the same sofa that she had woke up on the previous morning but this time she had a soft blanket covering her body to keep her warm during the night.

She pushes back the blanket and moves her legs so that her feet are on the floor and has the urge to use the bathroom, she remembers that there is a bathroom just past the door of this room so stands up and shuffles over to the door of the room and makes her way to the bathroom. When she enters the bathroom she immediately notices that it's spotlessly clean and that there is a large mirror the size of one wall and she glances at herself to see that she is wearing the same dirty, creased clothes that she has been wearing for the past few days and her hair is in a frightful mess.

While standing in front of the mirror  she hears the clang of pots and pans from further in the house and she remembers that Luca must still be here. A wave of self consciousness came over her and she begun fixing her hair and washing her face at the sink so that she looks a bit more presentable for Luca, her mate. The thought of having a mate that will love her unconditionally, unlike Dylan who immediately rejected her made her stomach tingle with butterflies and nervousness for what the future had in store for her future with Luca.

After she made herself look more presentable she yawned and follows the sounds of movement out of the bathroom and down the hall to where she imagines the kitchen would be going off the sounds she had heard in the bathroom.

As she approaches the kitchen her heart begins to race, she pauses for a moment and gently pushes open the kitchen door. The room is almost spotlessly clean like the bathroom and well lit with natural light pouring through large windows above the sink. The kitchen has stone counters and a white tiled floor. Luca is standing by the counter holding a frypan with freshly cooked bacon in it. He looks up and smiles at her saying 'good morning sleeping beauty' while he places the bacon on a plate with eggs and toast that had already been cooked. Paige blushes and replies 'good morning' as she shuffles into the kitchen and sits on a stool opposite Luca at the counter.

As she sits down Luca slides the plate of breakfast across the counter in front of her saying 'I hope you like bacon and eggs, It's my favourite!' The sight of the breakfast made her mouth water, she quickly responded  to Luca saying it's perfect before she dug in and quickly polished off the plate, I mean you couldn't blame her, she hadn't had a proper meal in days and was practically starving.

After finishing the breakfast Paige looked up to Luca and says 'Thank you for that, I was starving!' He chuckles and says that he was glad she enjoyed it.

Whilst sitting in the kitchen Paige couldn't help but think who this house belonged to so Paige asked and Luca responded by saying that it's someone's holiday house and they only visit once or twice a year so often he will stay there, using a key that he got cut from the spare that the owners leave under the door mat. Luckily the house has solar panels and generates its own electricity so the owners won't get any electricity bills which would give away that someone has been living there.

Because the owners could turn up at anytime Luca always keeps the house clean how they left it and keeps little personal belongings.

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