Chapter 9 - Not alone

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My heart drops and I begin to panic, what's going on! I'm going insane! My heart rate quickens and my breathing becomes frantic. I can't deal with this. I'm a rouge, I have voices in my head and now Dylan the deranged wolf who thinks I'm his mate in coming into my cell! I can't handle this!

My mouth becomes dry and i feel confused I don't know what's happening around me. My world is spinning and I can't stop it. I think Dylan must have finally come into the room because I feel someone grab my arm. I try to pull away but I can't, no matter how hard i tried. I'm weak.

Could it be possible that I've lost my cheetah?! The thought of loosing my cheetah terrified me and just made me worse. I could feel my chest heaving up and down as my breathing rate became erratic and my vision began to blur. I couldn't concentrate anymore and must have just passed out because I woke up in the packs hospital.

I looked around me. No one was there. I listened to see if I could hear anyone and it all sounded clear. I tried to sit up from the bed but was sharply pulled back down. I look down at myself and my wrists and ankles are bound to the hospital bed with chains. Of course they tied me down. They couldn't have me try to escape again.

I tried to twist my hands through the chains but they were tight. There was no escaping them. I relaxed my muscles and lay back down again trying to formulate a plan of escape.

After thinking of multiple ways to try and escape none of them sounded as though they would work, I mean I could wait it out and try and be reaccepted into the pack, but that would take a very long time to gain their trust and maybe even years for them to trust me enough to roam the pack freely like I used to.

After a few more moments I remembered the strange voice that appears in my head. As silly as it sounds maybe I could try and contact them and see if they have any ideas, after all they sure do seem to want to talk to me.

I remember in the cell they couldn't see, to hear me when I spoke aloud, only in my head so I thought to myself, 'hello' I waited a minute or two but didn't get anything back. I try again but still get no response. Maybe it's similar to calling upon a certain ability like when I amplified hearing.

I relax my body and imagine my thoughts projecting out of my into the world, soaring across the globe, I concentrate on remembering what the voice sounded like and I imagine my thoughts reaching him and entering his mind like his did me me. Whilst concentrating I project out the thought 'hello? Is anyone there?' I waited a moment but still didn't get any response. I knew I was crazy and loosing my mind!' Just as I was about to defeat and slump back down into the uncomfortable hospital bed my mind is invaded with a light voice that seems to be laughing, I hear 'sorry for the late reply. I was just surprised that you figured out how to contact me.'

I jumped with surprise. How is this possible! My mind races with possibilities, the voice interrupts my thoughts saying 'sorry I can still hear you! If you want to block your thoughts imagine building a wall around your mind.' This seems so surreal how is this possible.

I meekly reply asking who he was and after awhile we got into a conversation. He explained to me that his name is Luca and that he too is a cheetah shifter. I was astounded and relieved that I'm not the only cheetah shifter. He continues to say that a couple of days ago he felt a connection form between us but he wasn't sure why. I told him about leaving the pack territory and becoming a rogue. After discussing how this connection may have formed we came to the conclusion that me leaving the pack broke some kind of wall or barrier between us, allowing for our minds to find each other and meet.

I had so many questions to ask him but I was just so overwhelmed that I didn't quite know how to phrase them or ask. His voice suddenly changed and he asked in a solemn tone where I was and if I was ok. This question brought me back to reality and made me remember where I was. I told Luca that my pack, sorry ex-pack were holding me captive and that the alphas son thinks I'm his mate. I think Luca just growled at me? He then asked me if I felt anything for him and I explained to him that he was attractive but I didn't like him.

Could he be jealous? I don't know. He doesn't even know me so why would he be.

The thought of someone caring where I was and who I liked made me feel warm inside and happy. I didn't realise I was smiling nor what was going on around me until Dylan snapped me from my thoughts and Luca by growling out 'why are you so happy!' I looked up at him and gulped. I remember what Luca said about blocking my thoughts so I imagined building a wall around my mind to block him from knowing what was happening. I don't know why I care about him or what he thinks, but for some reason I do and it intrigues me.

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