XIII - Anger; Uncontrollable Anger

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"Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath."
- Eckhart Tolle

Harry felt something inside of him constrict painfully. He had a hunch that Dumbledore only saw him as a weapon, but hearing it made everything so much worse.

He placed his glasses onto the table in front of him and placed his head in his hands. A combination of anger and pain swirled dangerously inside of him.

"Harry," Snape tried, "I have told Albus many times that what he is doing to you is unacceptable."

Harry pushed down on his eyes, trying to stop himself from breaking down. He began to see many colours clouding his vision due to how much pressure he put on his eyes.

"What good does it do if he won't listen?" Harry asked, if his voice had cracked, Severus didn't mention it.

"I'll admit, it doesn't do much. But I thought it might help to know that I am on your side. The whole Wizarding World is on your side." Snape spoke encouragingly.

So many thoughts occupied Harry's head in that moment. He felt his anger rising as his sadness rose, also.

He stood suddenly and tangled his hands into his hair after shoving his glasses back into his face.

"Dumbledore can go screw himself!" Harry shouted.

"Potter," Snape stood, trying to calm Harry down. Anger was something Harry needed to avoid. "You need to calm down."

"Why should I? That bastard has controlled my life since my parents died! What do I owe him? Why should I give him any satisfaction?" Harry reasoned.

"If you don't calm down, Potter, you will suffer a great deal of pain!" Severus yelled.

Draco ran out into the living room, concerned with all the shouting he could hear.

"Do I look like a give a fucking shit, Snape!? Do I?" Harry questioned, his anger was becoming uncontrollable.

"Harry..." Draco said, scared.

Harry's head whipped around to Draco. His anger lessened slightly. Not enough to bring reason, however.

"Draco..." he said back.

"Calm down. Please." He pleaded.

Harry's senses came back to him, making the guilt fall on him and the sadness overwhelm him.

Harry's breathing quickened and he pulled at his hair. He let out a noise of anguish.

"Severus, what's going on?" Draco asked desperately.

"We cannot let Harry get angry like that again. It will only hurt him. I assume it has passed now; talk to him." Severus responded.

Draco nodded and went over to Harry. He was sobbing, he didn't even know he was still capable of shedding tears, yet, here he was.

"Harry," Draco said, "what's wrong?"

"Dumbledore," he choked, "he- he is using me."

"I know you think that, Harry. But I am sure it isn't true..." Draco tried.

"It is true! Of course it is true! Snape told me, he told me, it's true!" Harry sobbed.

Draco looked to Severus with a confused expression, "is that true?"

He only nodded his head in response.

Draco gulped, feeling utterly terrible that he didn't notice all this time.

"Harry, can I touch you?" Draco asked, knowing better than to just do it.

"Please, d-don't touch me." Harry said, feeling self conscious. He wrapped his arms around his torso.

Draco looked to Severus for help. He signalled for Draco to follow him.

They moved to a different room and let Harry be for a while. Severus wandlessly casted a silencing charm over themselves.

"Draco," he began, "does he always...react like this?"

"Minus the anger, yeah. Is that a bad thing? Should I be worried?" Draco asked, worried.

"For the most part, no. It is a common response amongst people with the same mental health problems as Potter. As far as I know, he suffers from PTSD, yes?" Snape spoke.

"Yes." Draco said.

"Especially concerning the information that Harry just heard, there might be certain connections to past events that he remembered." Snape explained, "trauma does things to a person, Draco."

Draco sighed in sadness, "is there anything I can do to help him?"

"I think it would be a great help to just be there for him. You know as well as I that he has been through too much for his age—too much for a person of any age, even." Severus said helpfully.

Draco bowed his head, "I always feel so helpless whenever I see him like this."

Severus sighed, "I don't think that feeling will ever go away, Draco. You need to know that just being there for him is helping a great deal. If he didn't have someone like you constantly by his side, it would be much worse. Trust me; I know."

"Thank you, Severus." Draco sniffed, "I have one more question,"

"Go on," Severus urged.

"You know that Harry...hurts himself," Draco began.

"Yes, I do." Severus said sadly.

"I thought all of this would go away when he came back. I know it's not my information to share, but I can't help him! How do I get him to stop?" Draco questioned hysterically.

"Draco, there is currently a suicide watch spell on him. He is unable to hurt himself without alerting me, you or Lupin." Snape informed.

"It doesn't work anymore. Harry found out that the bracelet that alerts us removed itself when he 'died'." Draco explained.

"I see." Severus said, "how, exactly, did he find this out?"

"He- we were talking about a sensitive subject, and something upset him. He found a razor in the bathroom and..." Draco couldn't carry on. He found himself unable to.

"I understand. If it were any other person other than myself, you should not have shared that information. But I am an adult that can help him, so I am an exception—in some cases." Severus spoke. "I think I will take my leave now."

"Okay, Sev. Thank you for that; It helped." Draco said sheepishly.

"My pleasure, Draco. Please tell Harry that I would like to see him in my office either later tonight, or tomorrow before three in the afternoon." Severus ordered.

"Alright, I will." Draco answered.

"Excellent. Assuming Harry has calmed, go be there for him. Try and get him to eat and sleep. You two need to relax and enjoy each other's company." Severus told them.

"Merlin, Severus. That sounds so weird coming from you." Draco commented, "but thank you."

Severus nodded his head curtly. "Do as I said. I will see you later, Draco."

"Bye," Draco finished, and Severus walked out of the room, dropping the silencing charms.

As Severus walked away, something inside of him felt sadness and sympathy for the Potter boy.

It was something he never thought he'd feel—especially for Harry.

"Merlin, I cannot believe I am going soft on Harry Potter." Snape thought.


Question, do you want Severus and Harry to become really close; like a guardian-son vibe?

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