I - Words of Wisdom

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"No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief."
- Faraaz Kazi


[Saturday 11, day one post-funeral]

"Draco," Pansy said in a soft voice, noticing that Draco had zoned out and was not touching his food.

"Pansy," he replied, not in the mood.

"How are you holding up?" She asked, Draco looked at her with an eyebrow raised, "right, stupid question."

He sighed heavily, "well, I am holding up better than I thought I would be."

Pansy furrowed her eyebrows, "what do you mean by that?"

Draco huffed as he picked up a green apple, "don't get me wrong, it hurts. Really bad. But, at the same time, there is a part of me that feels happy for him. Don't look at me like that. What I mean is, he is finally at peace, he can relax."

Pansy smiled at Draco's words, "that's really sweet; such a nice way to look at it, Dray."

"Hm," Draco spoke nonchalantly, biting into his sweet apple.

"'Sup, dipshits." Blaise greeted as he sat down next to Pansy.

She scoffed as smacked Blaise across the head.

"Ow! What the fuck?" He exclaimed.

"You ruined a very wholesome moment I was having with Draco." Pansy spat, no venom behind her words.

"She is right, mate," Draco said plainly to Blaise, "you ruined it."

"Saps, the lot of you," Blaise muttered, "what were you on about anyway?"

Pansy spared a look at Draco before answering, "Harry. Draco shocked me with his words of wisdom."

"Oh, talking about Potter, makes sense." Blaise spoke, eating his breakfast, Draco sent a look to Blaise, "what?"

"Why do you refuse to call him 'Harry'?" Draco questioned, placing his finished apple core onto his plate.

Blaise was taken aback slightly by the question, "well, I didn't know the guy well enough. I guess it just feels disrespectful to use his given name without being given permission. You know?"

Pansy stopped eating for a second, "really? Never heard of that."

"Your father never never taught you that rule?" Pansy shook her head, "fuck, I thought everyone knew that."

"Out of the many million rules my father taught me — including don't breathe too loud — I was never taught that one." Draco commented.

"My life is a lie." Blaise added as shook his head incredulously.

"Anyway," Pansy spoke, "isn't Dumblefuck supposed to give a speech today?"

Blaise snorted, "Dumblefuck? Hilarious."

"Yeah, I think so. The other students know that Harry's d-gone," Draco said, not being able to bring himself to say 'dead', "but Dumbledore is going to address the situation properly."

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