XVII - The Red Line

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"Don't be afraid of pressure. Pressure is what transforms a lump of coal into a diamond."
-Nicky Gumbel

Just a quick one, the song 'Glue' by Bicep goes very well with this chapter. :))


"This is nice." Ron said as he twirled Hermione's hair in between his fingers.

"It is, isn't it?" She agreed, reading her book on Ron's lap.

He hummed with a satisfied sigh. "I was such a plonker to Harry before, and that costed us our whole friendship." He spoke.

"You were, darling. You were." She said softly, annoyed that she is being disturbed from ready her book.

"Hermione," a familiar voice whispered.

"Did you hear that, Ron?" She questioned.

Ron furrowed his eyebrows, "hear what?"

"Hermione!" The voice said louder.

"That!" She said, concerned slightly.

"Yeah, I heard it that time. Who's there?" Ron asked the thin air, clutching his wand from his pocket.

"You wankers." The voice spat playfully, "it's Harry."

Hermione's eyes widened, "Harry? You can't be here!"

He sighed and exposed his foot from the invisibility cloak, "says who? Come with me."

Both of them followed the hasty foot to the boy's dormitory.

"Harry, we can't be here! What if Dean, Seamus, and Neville come back?" Ron stressed.

"Doubt it, bet they are at dinner or something." Harry said, yanking the cloak off of his thin body.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" Ron asked.

But before Harry could answer, Hermione gasped. "Harry! Your eye, what's wrong with it?"

Harry sighed gravely, "it's from that curse Draco hit me with when we duelled in Defence. 'Malonia', it was called."

"Oh, of course. Snape told us about that when you were in the hospital wing. It's blue again." Hermione said.

"Yeah. Blue is the main colour, I think. There is still something off about it, though." Harry mentioned.

"Off?" Ron questioned.

Harry nodded, "yeah. It can't be hidden by a glamour charm. I tried this morning."

"Well, that is rather odd, I must say." Hermione spoke.

Harry hummed in agreement. "I am glad you brought that topic up, actually. That's kinda the reason why I am here."

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, "really? Was it bothering you?"

"In a way, yes. Every now and then, it just tingles and aches, and it is very unnerving." Harry spoke.

"I wouldn't think too much of it, mate. It's probably just the phantom pains." Ron tried.

Harry scoffed lightly, "it can't be!"

Noticing that Harry raised his voice, Hermione used her brain and casted a silencing charm.

"Why not?" Ron asked.

"Because it is a curse made by Lucius-fucking-Malfoy that's used for enemies! And guess what, no one else has been affected by the curse as bad as I have, so no one knows about the after effects." Harry explained, not making eye contact with either of the two.

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