XV - Magical Guardian

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"The worst of guardians is a cruel ruler. Beware of becoming one of them."
- Muhammad

With Harry now fast asleep, Draco made himself a cup of coffee.

He felt his own tiredness catch up on him, but he did not wish to sleep any time soon.

He sat on the big couch and opened the book he was reading earlier. He needed to keep his thoughts at bay somehow.

An hour later, there was a stern knock at the door. Draco jumped as the noise startled him.

Hesitantly, he walked to the door and opened it. There stood Severus Snape in all his glory.

"Oh, Severus. What do you need?" Draco greeted.

"To be let in, for starters." Severus pointed out.

"Sorry. Come in." Draco said and Severus did.

They sat around the island in the kitchen.

"You were here an hour ago. Why are you back?" Draco asked.

"It sounds as if you do not want me here, Draco." Severus commented.

Draco's eyes widened, "no, no. I am just curious that you are back so early."

"I see. Would you make me a tea?" Severus questioned.

"Why can't you make your own tea?" He asked dumbly.

"We are in your quarters. It is simple etiquette to serve your guests." Severus said slowly.

Draco sighed, "fine."

Severus made a noise of approval in response.

"What has got you in a foul mood, anyway?" Draco asked, placing Severus' tea in front of him.

"Thank you," he said about the tea, "I paid the headmaster a visit."

"I'm lost." Draco said.

"Albus and I had a...disagreement." He chose his words carefully.

"Disagreement?" He questioned.

"Indeed." Came the prolonged response.

"Was it about Harry?" Draco asked.

"Yes, it was. Albus has certain views on things that I will not agree to even if a wand was pointed at my head." Severus admitted.

"Merlin," Draco breathed, "what happened?"

"After we exchanged some pleasantries, Albus scolded me about not forcing Harry to let him see the memories first." He spoke, "the discussion became heated in a short amount of time and Albus admitted he could not care less about Harry. I fear that if I let Albus have his way with him, Harry will fall beyond the barrier of help."

"Merlin's third nipple." Draco spoke, "did you give him the memory?"

"I'd appreciate you not to use that language in a civilised conversation with me, Draco. I may be your godfather, but I am still your professor." Severus said, slightly disgusted at his godson's antics.

"Sorry." Draco said, embarrassed.

"Nevertheless, I gave him the memory." Severus said.

"Why would you do that?" Draco whisper-shouted, careful not to wake Harry.

"It may have skipped your notice, Draco, but I had no other choice but to give him the memory." Severus drawled.

"I know! I just can't handle the fact that he is using Harry!" Draco exclaimed.

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